SYBR™ Safe DNA Gel Stain is a highly sensitive stain for visualization of DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. SYBR™深入閱讀 Promotion Promo code:P5755103 赛默飞开工季限时促销 3月31日截止,350款“硬核装备”,梯度折扣,多件价优Learn More ...
SYBR™ Safe DNA Gel Stain is a highly sensitive stain for visualization of DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels.SYBR™深入閱讀 Promotion Promo code:P5755103 赛默飞开工季限时促销 3月31日截止,350款“硬核装备”,梯度折扣,多件价优Learn More ...
SYBR Safe DNA Stain 指南说明书 Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to separate mixtures of DNA fragments into discrete bands according to their size. However, since DNA is clear and colorless, the bands cannot be seen with the naked eye. SYBR Safe® is a fluorescent DNA stain that binds...
sybr safe dna gel stain作用原理 它具有高灵敏度,能检测到微量的 DNA 存在。这种染色剂的结合方式具有特异性,可准确识别 DNA 分子。Sybr Safe DNA Gel Stain 能够在紫外线照射下发出荧光。其荧光信号强度与 DNA 的含量成正比。该染色剂不会影响 DNA 的迁移速率。它能对不同长度的 DNA 片段进行均匀染色。Sybr...
貨號:S33102分類:電泳膠染劑 DNA Electrophoresis Gel Stains標籤:Invitrogen 描述 商品貨號:S33102 商品品牌:Invitrogen™ Description SYBR® Safe DNA Gel Stain is a highly sensitive stain for visualization of DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. SYBR® Safe stain is specifically formulated to be a ...
Protocol 电泳后染色核酸 将凝胶浸入SYBR Safe染料中。如果使用SYBR Safe凝胶染料浓缩剂,请在使用前在10,000倍的TAE或TBE缓冲液中稀释10,000X。将凝胶放在塑料容器中,例如,用吸管尖的盒子盖或家用食物存储容器。不要使用玻璃容器,因为染色溶液中的染料可能会吸附到容器壁上,从而导致不良的凝胶染色。添加足够的SYBR?
‹DNA Stains SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain Ethidium Bromide Invitrogen SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is a highly sensitive dye for visualizing DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. SYBR Safe stain is specifically formulated to be a less hazardous alternative to ethidium bromide that can be viewed with blue...
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain_安全灵敏的DNARNA凝胶染色__Apexbio
‹DNA Stains SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain Ethidium Bromide Invitrogen SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain is a highly sensitive dye for visualizing DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. SYBR Safe stain is specifically formulated to be a less hazardous alternative to ethidium bromide ...
SYBR® Safe DNA凝胶染料是琼脂糖或丙烯酰胺凝胶内DNA可视化的高灵敏度染料。 SYBR® Safe染料经过专门配制,是一种比溴乙非啶溴化物危险性更小的替代物, 可通过蓝光或者紫外光激发。• 降低暴露在高致突变性溴乙非啶溴化物和有害紫外光下的机会。• 通过减少非特异性背景荧光增强灵敏度。• 能在所有使用...