SYBR Safe DNA gel stain is a highly sensitive stain for visualization of DNA in agarose or acrylamide gels. SYBR Safe Stain is specifically formulated to be a less hazardous alternative to ethidium bromide
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain in 1X TAE 克隆效率评估:SYBR Safe 核酸染料 研究证明,使用 SYBR Safe 核酸染料进行核酸染色并通过 Invitrogen Safe Imager 蓝光透射仪观察 DNA 片段,与使用溴化乙锭染色并通过紫外光观察相比,克隆效率得到明显提升。 增强的酶切克隆效率 增强的酶切克隆效率 研究...
bands cannot be seen with the naked eye. SYBR Safe® is a fluorescent DNA stain that binds specifically to the DNA double helix. When excited with UV or blue light, any SYBR Safe® that is bound to DNA fluoresces with a bright green color. Fluorescent DNA stains like SYBR Safe...
SYBR® Safe DNA凝胶染料是琼脂糖或丙烯酰胺凝胶内DNA可视化的高灵敏度染料。 SYBR® Safe染料经过专门配制,是一种比溴乙非啶溴化物危险性更小的替代物, 可通过蓝光或者紫外光激发。• 降低暴露在高致突变性溴乙非啶溴化物和有害紫外光下的机会。• 通过减少非特异性背景荧光增强灵敏度。• 能在所有使用...
sybr safe dna gel stain作用原理 它具有高灵敏度,能检测到微量的 DNA 存在。这种染色剂的结合方式具有特异性,可准确识别 DNA 分子。Sybr Safe DNA Gel Stain 能够在紫外线照射下发出荧光。其荧光信号强度与 DNA 的含量成正比。该染色剂不会影响 DNA 的迁移速率。它能对不同长度的 DNA 片段进行均匀染色。Sybr...
SYBR® Safe stain is supplied as a 10,000X concentrate in DMSO which can be used just like a solution of ethidium bromide. SYBR® Safe stain can be mixed into an agarose gel for staining during electrophoresis or the gel can be incubated in a solution of SYBR® Safe stain following...
SYBR Safe stain is available as either a concentrate or a ready-to-use solution. SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain, 10,000X concentrate SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain in 0.5X TBE SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain in 1X TAE Assessment of cloning efficiency: SYBR Safe DNA Gel ...
Product name: SYBR ® Safe DNA Stain Product Number: 608 Brand: Edvotek Supplier: Edvotek 1121 5th Street NW Washington, DC 20001 Telephone: 1-800-338-6835 or 202-370-1500 Fax: 202-370-1501 Emergency Phone # (For both supplier and Manufacturer):202-370-1500 Emergency Overview ...
SYBR Safe stain is available as either a concentrate or a ready-to-use solution. SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain, 10,000X concentrateSYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain in 0.5X TBESYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain in 1X TAE Assessment of cloning efficiency: SYBR Safe DNA Gel Research has proved the use of SYBR...