A list of all the SWTOR datacrons and where to find them. Planet Datacron Location Walkthrough Alderaan Aim +4 X: 1107, Y: 80 SWTOR Spy Alderaan Presence +3 X: 1107, Y: 80 SWTOR Spy Alderaan Willpo
第一种选择很简单,热销产品就是以下这些:Master’s Datacron,Commander’s Token,Hypercrates,以及Black / Black dyes。 在用CC购买任何物品前,请确保你已经在GTN上已经了解过该物品的价格,这样会让你更精确的了解什么产品销路最好。用该物品拍卖的最低价格去除以该物品的CC价格,你大致就可以了解该物品的性价比。
Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do not make the space, and there’s a lot...
Datacron Lore Collection by Vulkk The Old Republic Timeline of Events (Updated for 5.7) by Vulkk PDF: 200 Pages of Old Republic Ship Lore by Eudoxia Lore Q&A with the Creative Director Charles Boyd by Ryssius20 by SWTOR Central by SWTOR Central by SWTOR Central lore video by Swtorista Tim...
Every spaceport in the game is MASSIVE. Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do ...
The time when I (while working on the OG +10 datacron), glitched through the ceiling and onto the upper outside surface of the Gav Daragon. SpoeMeister Members 553 Posted May 23, 2013 Story-wise it has to be the moment where my Operative does his story line on Voss. Reveal hidd...
Members 100 PostedFebruary 10, 2012 TarkinMX said: No one find any grade 4 stuff yet? I've been running around on Alderaan and Taris and haven't found any good places yet. Quesh is the place for T4. Almost exclusively diatium and resinite nodes here, and strong robots as well. ...
Aquarium: Laa ScalefishCartel Market: Deepwater Essentials BundleNeverFurnitureArrangements50000Bronzex Aquarium: See ScalefishCartel Market: Precious Cargo PackNeverFurnitureArrangements50000Silverx Aquatic Droid EcosampleEvent: Life DayNeverTechnologicalArtifacts50000Goldxxx ...
Imperial side, quicktravel or taxi to Outpost Talarn and head south, it’s really close by.While you’re there, you might also want to pick up an NVSCCS to catch a baby taunlet in a different quest on Hoth, and a Red Detonite Actuator which is part of finding a datacron hidden on...
Datacron: Dark vs. Light -- Why did this drop to 1? Galactic Alliance Statue -- Limit was decreased from 50 to 10, please restore to higher limit. Master Exhibit: [Dark/Light] Datacrons -- Limit is 4, should be increased to 50 or 999 like other achievement items. ...