A list of all the SWTOR datacrons and where to find them. Planet Datacron Location Walkthrough Alderaan Aim +4 X: 1107, Y: 80 SWTOR Spy Alderaan Presence +3 X: 1107, Y: 80 SWTOR Spy Alderaan Willpo
The Master's Datacron level 70 boost by Vulkk LadyAdmiral Members 1.6k Author Posted January 3, 2019 Choosing a Class Beginners Guide to all SWTOR Classes and Disciplines by Vulkk Which Class Should I Play? Comparison & Player Opinions by SWTOR Reddit Class Stats DPS Parsing Comparison by...
What does what: Master's Datacron vs Commander's Token ByTonyTricicolo,January 1 5replies 623views The_Hightower January 2 Old UI? ByVanishSWTORtwo,January 2 3replies 451views The_Hightower January 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Page 1 of 993 ...
Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do not make the space, and there’s a lot...
Every spaceport in the game is MASSIVE. Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do ...
Detailed Alderaan Datacron Guide -http://almarsguides.com/swtor/datacron/alderaan/ Balmorra (Empire) Datacrons Strength +2 Coordinates: X: 726, Y: 171 There is a hidden path that leads to this datacron Aim +2 Coordinates: X: -1017, Y: 1514 ...
While you’re there, you might also want to pick up an NVSCCS to catch a baby taunlet in a different quest on Hoth, and a Red Detonite Actuator which is part of finding a datacron hidden on Alderaan. The MGGS item is actually used for multiple secrets in the game, including the ...
D) Frinn Mesa: A bit hard to spot but it is near the scaffold.DULFY E) Cartel Mining Mesa: It is on the scaffold slightly above the endurance datacron.DULFY F) Perekta Mesa: Near the Presence datacron on top of a bridge structure.DULFY ...
Every spaceport in the game is MASSIVE. Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do ...
Every spaceport in the game is MASSIVE. Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do ...