In the original days of stage plays, directors had their casts play directly to the audience, marking positions for them to stand, angles for them to face, and props or furniture for them to use that would establish their positions on the stage. That’s called “blocking” and it’s used...
Free-to-Play (F2P), Preferred, and Subscribed Official: SW:TOR Free-to-Play option FAQ by SWTOR Free to Play vs Subscriber Info & Chart by SWTOR Reddit Should I subscribe to SWTOR? by SWTOR Reddit How to F2P in 5.0 by Docdim by Swtorista by Swtorista Video: Beginning As A F2P ...
Max level 35, which players were able to reach, even playing casually playing, within 2 weeks, and then there was zero end game content at release. This week, today as I recall, STO is now going F2P to try to get more subscriptions to the game. BioWare has done pretty much the ...
effects began occuring. And I presume that as a result, the 'late' HtL interfered with my Hammershot ticks. The Shadows have pointed out similar desynchronization problems in their logs, and I've noticed similar problems when trying to roll through Heirad's lightning and Ciphas Doom on my ...
I can tell you want to have an argument, but I’m choosing not to😉 I have no clue what argument you are talking about, nor do I care to derail this thread. If you're interested in learning, feel free to DM me. EditedDecember 2, 2023by septru ...
((The RP XP with MJ)) appears exclusively right here on You can follow MJ on twitter @MJswtor, you can write to him directly at swtorliferp(at), or you can find him RolePlaying on the Ebon Hawk server. Feel free to shout out to “Elayo” Rep-side or ...
To go along with that the ability to TDM and OBJ at the same time is something the majority of players can do, they just don't have to most times as OBJ will be free or TDM will be free - as in no one really opposing them, lots don't know how to play under pressure and it'...
Low-level PvP is an especially good place to get your feet wet, as it’s kind of expected that lower-level characters don’t know how to play well, because they just started playing.You can start PvPing at as low as level 10, and there’s no limit on how many matches free-to-...
This guide first of all, is free information. I’ve made it to help players like me, who want to do a good job with the “Gunslinger” class. My name is Smack, I am the GM of long standing gaming team “Legion”. If you would like to republish this guide elsewhere, all I ask ...
If you want an introduction to the event, you can interact with the floating terminal in the center ring of the republic or imperial fleet which will give you some free gambling chips and send you towards the event on Nar Shaddaa. This introductory quest can be started at level 15 or high...