Yup. I have Twenty characters of level 20 or higher, all bound together by a legacy too complicated for the built-in legacy chart in SWTOR. Where RP is concerned, the connections between The 20 Twenties are as complex as the webs of an Eberon spider. They include relatives, distant relat...
Location: Legacy ➔ Character PerksDescription: Increases the amount of experience obtained from completing warzones by 6%. This increase is cumulative with previous increases to warzone experience.Improved Warzone Experience VCost: 100,000 Credits and Legacy Level 10 or 200 CC, per Server...
ever since legacy was introduced weve been stuck at maximum legacy level of 50. i completely forgot that i actually used to earn legacy xp back in the day because it was so, so long ago. i would like to see legacy level raised - to comparable max.level a
It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2: Legacy. We had a fantastic run of testing on the Public Test Server and I can’t begin to thank the community enough for their tireless advocacy for this feature and the time peo...
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Maybe the best paid services for TOR could be in three areas: Racial/Character changes (ie, Chiss Agent to Cyborg Agent, same class and limited to your unlocked races), a store for pets/mounts, that also sold orange armor that is unique, available on all legacy characters and can be ...
* Allow players to grant keys to a Legacy. It doesn't make sense to re-key new alts. * Give us the ability to grant Gold keys on personal strongholds, to allow others to help decorate and roleplay. * Add the ability for a guild leader to upgrade the keys for all guild members in...
Inventory space, Legacy Bank tabs and personal bank tabs: The higher your level, the more items you’ll own. Purchasing more inventory space or bank tabs can help you hold all of it. Unify Colors: Unify Colors allows you to match most armors to the color of your chest piece. This is ...
The known info linkhttps://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-29th-March-2023/m-p/4886775#M40174 provides the following Some have found they have needed to install directx 9 legacy fileshttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.as...
Also it would have made it a little easier to estimate the guild members activity and increased the guild max size. I'd be fine with that (legacy guilds) as long as the cap was decent. ESO has a limit of 5, and that cap is sorta appropriate for that game. But for SWTOR? I'd ...