A list of all the SWTOR datacrons and where to find them. Planet Datacron Location Walkthrough Alderaan Aim +4 X: 1107, Y: 80 SWTOR Spy Alderaan Presence +3 X: 1107, Y: 80 SWTOR Spy Alderaan Willpo
The first SWTOR fansite! Guides, databases, datamining, discipline calulators, tools, news, theorycrafting, and more!
Makeb(3) Manaan(32) Mek-Sha(6) Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event(27) Onderon(24) Ord Mantell Kessan's Landing(13) Oricon(1) Ossus(62) Ossus Achievement(4) Ossus Reputation Vendor(29) Ossus Tech Fragments(14) Ossus World Drop(14)
2014. This update increases Level Cap to 60, brings two new planets, high-level multiplayer Flashpoints and Operations and in addition to all of this, four new datacrons on the planet Rishi. Unlike previous times when datacrons were scattered throughout the maps on hard to reach...
Datacrons Alderaan Balmorra (Empire) Balmorra (Republic) Belsavis Corellia Coruscant Dromund Kaas Hoth Hutta Ilum Korriban Makeb Nar Shaddaa Ord Mantell Quesh Rishi Taris (Empire) Taris (Republic) Tatooine Tython Voss Imperial Fleet Republic Fleet Miscellaneous Battlemaster...
Toys Datacrons Tunings Emotes Achievements + MoreSWTOR Feast of Prosperity Event Guide The Feast of Prosperity event, sometimes known as the “Hutt Event”, “Feast Event”, “Fall Event”, or “Thanksgiving Event”, is a limited-time event in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This event only ...
Official: How do I create an account to play STAR WARS: The Old Republic? by SWTOR SWTOR DOs and DONTs Tips for Beginners (SWTOR Basics Series) by Vulkk by Vulkk New Player Guide - all you wanted to know about SWTOR but were afraid to ask by Bob SWTOR acronyms explained by Icestar ...
Tatooine Datacrons Republic Datacron - Cunning +3 Coordinates: X: 2140, Y: -3671 This Datacron is located ontop of a Roof in Anchorhead. To get here you need to make your way up onto the wall that encompasses Tatooine to the north. The coordinates for this wall are 1636, 447 (Screensh...
Master Exhibit: [Dark/Light] Datacrons -- Limit is 4, should be increased to 50 or 999 like other achievement items. Reconstructed Hypergate -- Currently 1, needs to be 1 per stronghold. Rishii Idol -- Still capped at 10 while other items had their max unlocks increased. ...
Am I spoiled because I am too used to being properly geared and having a rank 50 companion and all the datacrons and class buffs? My survivability is down, my dps as a tank is down, I'm missing utilities and abilities, even ones your chart says I'm supposed to have. ...