Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do not make the space, and there’s a lot...
B) On a stone bridge above the Wilds Laboratory. C) Above the tomb of Marka Ragnos. CORUSCANT(6) (Info from Twolightsabers, Aieranda) A) Jedi Temple: As you come in. Look up towards the Datacron. B) Galactic Market: Look above the cranes/antenna towers in the first area with enemi...
Datacron Lore Collection by Vulkk The Old Republic Timeline of Events (Updated for 5.7) by Vulkk PDF: 200 Pages of Old Republic Ship Lore by Eudoxia Lore Q&A with the Creative Director Charles Boyd by Ryssius20 by SWTOR Central by SWTOR Central by SWTOR Central lore video by Swtorista Tim...
” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do not make the space, and there’s a lot you can do with the spaceports i...
Datacron: Dark vs. Light -- Why did this drop to 1? Galactic Alliance Statue -- Limit was decreased from 50 to 10, please restore to higher limit. Master Exhibit: [Dark/Light] Datacrons -- Limit is 4, should be increased to 50 or 999 like other achievement items. ...
While you’re there, you might also want to pick up an NVSCCS to catch a baby taunlet in a different quest on Hoth, and a Red Detonite Actuator which is part of finding a datacron hidden on Alderaan. The MGGS item is actually used for multiple secrets in the game, including the ...
to make the game more challenging let's say Guild on the Number 1 Spot doesn't have the option to turn down a challenge. FUN Mechanics of the PVP Conquest: Maximum of 50 players per Guild Map will have 3 Lanes (Like LoL or Smite) The Main goal is to destroy the enemy Datacron in...
Every spaceport in the game is MASSIVE. Sure, they only have two “rooms,” the main body of the map and your hangar (with one exception that I know of: there’s a lift to a hidden hangar on Dromund Kaas. Datacron hunters know the one I’m talking about). However, “rooms” do ...
Voss Datacron Locations Willpower +4 Datacron To get to this Datacron you will first need to fly from Voss-ka to either Ken-La Outpost (Republic) or Fort Kodentha (Empire). Both of these places are in The Old Paths area of Voss-ka, which is good because we're about to be looking ...
Nice idea, but not working technically to be equitable/enjoyable between players. Aside, what’s with the Hoth Ancient Droid datacron that’s 5 levels above the world’s content – that’s the first and last time I had to leave a world with the datacron’s unfinished and that made for ...