Location: Legacy ➔ Character PerksDescription: Increases the amount of experience obtained from completing warzones by 6%. This increase is cumulative with previous increases to warzone experience.Improved Warzone Experience VCost: 100,000 Credits and Legacy Level 10 or 200 CC, per Server...
Yup. I have Twenty characters of level 20 or higher, all bound together by a legacy too complicated for the built-in legacy chart in SWTOR. Where RP is concerned, the connections between The 20 Twenties are as complex as the webs of an Eberon spider. They include relatives, distant relat...
It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2: Legacy. We had a fantastic run of testing on the Public Test Server and I can’t begin to thank the community enough for their tireless advocacy for this feature and the time peo...
ever since legacy was introduced weve been stuck at maximum legacy level of 50. i completely forgot that i actually used to earn legacy xp back in the day because it was so, so long ago. i would like to see legacy level raised - to comparable max.level a
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Maybe the best paid services for TOR could be in three areas: Racial/Character changes (ie, Chiss Agent to Cyborg Agent, same class and limited to your unlocked races), a store for pets/mounts, that also sold orange armor that is unique, available on all legacy characters and can be ...
* Allow players to grant keys to a Legacy. It doesn't make sense to re-key new alts. * Give us the ability to grant Gold keys on personal strongholds, to allow others to help decorate and roleplay. * Add the ability for a guild leader to upgrade the keys for all guild members in...
Inventory space, Legacy Bank tabs and personal bank tabs: The higher your level, the more items you’ll own. Purchasing more inventory space or bank tabs can help you hold all of it. Unify Colors: Unify Colors allows you to match most armors to the color of your chest piece. This is ...
The known info linkhttps://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-29th-March-2023/m-p/4886775#M40174 provides the following Some have found they have needed to install directx 9 legacy fileshttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.as...
Also it would have made it a little easier to estimate the guild members activity and increased the guild max size. I'd be fine with that (legacy guilds) as long as the cap was decent. ESO has a limit of 5, and that cap is sorta appropriate for that game. But for SWTOR? I'd ...