选择服务器后,我们按Create Character就进入阵营选择界面。 istariyang 摩克尔 11 #我该选择什么Origin Story(起源故事)及Combat Style(职业)受惠于Legacy of the Sith的推出,目前起源故事与职业的选择几乎完全脱钩,可百分百凭自己的喜好来决定。选择起源故事可以参考上面我翻译的开场视频做选择。如果实在选择困难症的...
What to Expect in the 7.1.1 SWTOR Update! Legacy of the Sith 7.0 Expansion Legacy of the Sith Expansion FAQ Expansion Combat Styles FAQ Beginner's Guides Is SWTOR worth playing in 2025? Tips for New Players How to Level Up Fast Combat Styles Guide Second Combat Style Guide Is SWTOR worth...
Your Legacy in Star Wars: The Old Republic is a system that connects all of your characters on a server together – and the more your progress your legacy, the more unlocks will be come available to you, including unlocks that allow you to move or travel faster, access more convenience ...
这两个可以为隐身。 附注:在旧共和国(SWTOR)7.0 Legacy of the Sith(西斯的传承)之后,8大起源故事的经典星战开场动画均被删减,目前已无法在游戏内看到,游戏内仅剩场景动画。我做了复原剪辑和翻译,你可以在这里看到: 网页链接 15:56 (中文字幕)星球大战:旧共和国 8大起源故事开场删减片段 - 总集 1733观看 0弹...
Name and Game: How SWTOR Names Define Your Star Wars Legacy December 16, 2024December 16, 2024 gingetattoo In Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), names aren’t just cosmetic. They’re the first declaration of your character’s identity, the spark that lights the narrative fire. Sure, ...
* Add the ability for a guild leader to upgrade the keys for all guild members in a Legacy. * Add a security setting above Public that will allow 100% decorated strongholds to appear on the kiosk list even when the owner is offline. ...
t cost you a single cartel coin. The Heartglow Mewvorr featured here as well as the glowing yellow Goldplate Mewvorr drop as loot in all modes of theKorriban IncursionandAssault on Tythonflashpoints. The red-pink Prismatic Mewvorr can be found in the flashpointLegacy of the Rakata, ...
depth or if I put this in the wrong place, this is only the 2nd post I have made (the 1st one is a suggestion I made in the Sentinel/ Marauder sections of classes earlier,) but I figured if there was ever a time to give my input it would be leading up to Legacy of the Sith....
I am referring to the Legacy unlocks, specifically the various species unlocks and Heroic Abilities. How are these going to affect our immersion, and are these changes going to be positive or negative? Continue Reading » One response so far TOR Lore: The Sith Emperor: Part 1 Published ...
UPDATED: Using Slicers GUI's Node Viewer to find the re-color data (colors that BioWare applies to old gear parts to create new variations) that, sadly, we can't find through those .xml files.WARNING: Node Viewer is superseded byJedipedia's File Reader, which is a far more capable ...