当你完成第一个星球的任务链来到阵营舰队(Fleet)后,要记得去学习一下收集类技能(Gathering Crew Skill),其中包括:『Slicing,Scavenging,Archaeology,Bioanalysis』。这些技能帮助将帮助你收集一些可以在『GTN』上拍卖的物品。另外也不要忘记学习一下制造技能(Crafting),这部分内容我们会在下面进行说明。 技术部件(Tech Fr...
The Imperial Misfits We play to have fun; chill and social guild: https://discord.gg/nvc9Zy3gJx Server: Darth Malgus Last updated June 30, 2024 CET 400+ Members, 5-10 during prime time Operations PvP Galactic Seasons Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting...
Imperial Fleet Stronghold Manaan Stronghold Mek-Sha Stronghold Nar Shaddaa Stronghold Republic Fleet Stronghold Rishi Stronghold Tatooine Stronghold Umbara Train Stronghold Yavin 4 Stronghold Crafted Easy-to-Get Decorations in SWTOR Easy-to-Get Decorations in SWTOR ...
Your characters began their journey in the Old Republic about 10 years after the Imperial sacking of Coruscant. Based on that, you know your Smuggler was only 11, your Agent was 23 and your Jedi Master was 44 at the time the Treaty of Coruscant was blown away in a wave of Imperial fire...
“How do you do?” She stands straight, tugging down on her uniform tunic. “Enjoy what peace you can as the Imperial Fleet protects your homelands. May the Force free you.” She turns back to the wide viewport of the destroyer, looking out over the milky wash of stars. ...
To start the Feast of Prosperity Event, look for the Festival Crier character on the Fleet. They will be locate near the northern elevator on the Republic fleet, and near the southern elevator on the Imperial Fleet. After you watch introductory cutscene, you can fly to Nar Shaddaa with your...
Imperial side, quicktravel or taxi to Outpost Talarn and head south, it’s really close by.While you’re there, you might also want to pick up an NVSCCS to catch a baby taunlet in a different quest on Hoth, and a Red Detonite Actuator which is part of finding a datacron hidden on...
Operations PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements The Imperial Fleet "Only through strength, loyalty, and unity will the Empire remain unchallenged." Server: Darth Malgus Last updated Januar...
“Enjoy what peace you can as the Imperial Fleet protects your homelands. May the Force free you.” She turns back to the wide viewport of the destroyer, looking out over the milky wash of stars. Leftenant Mantee Ved, Kiffar Aide to Colonel Lekko – He turns from his position next to...