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Art: Best View of Ziost Art: Best View of Section X (Gilded) Furniture Arrangements Beds Chairs Couches Rugs Shelves Tables Plants Technology Art & Statues Personnel Containers Signs Wall Decos Ceiling Useful Crafting Companions Mounts Pets
For me it seemed that I couldn't use courting gifts until her affection was high enough to even consider kissing her. You will get hints from dialogue queues of when courting gifts will start being effective. Once they are, they are the best gifts to give her. Peddi Members 13 Poste...
SWTOR Tools is a great resource for everything from datacrons to companion information. It even has a skill tree calculator. I personally like it for the dossiers on each companion in the game with a very easy chart that tells you what gifts give the best returns. Talent Calc is phenomenal...
Companions Customizations Gifts Codex Lore Toys Datacrons Tunings Emotes Achievements + MoreSWTOR Free-to-Play Tips (F2P) One of the nice things about Star Wars: The Old Republic is that you can try out the game as a free-to-play player without investing any money in to the game, and ...
Since a companion (in my opinion, the best companion) is returning in 5.8 I feel that the question is absolutely on topic. Unfortunately it appears that Keith doesn't care about the companions that aren't Lana, Theron, or Arcann. In fact it appears that he only cares about what he ...
I believe XINA_LA deserves to be paid as a consultant!!! Or at least, a huge stash of courtesy decorations - think about this: As a fellow decorating nutjob I really thank you for all that work, Xina. As well...
Why can't you give us a CTL-right click for efficient previewing of gear on Mains, and CTL-ALT-right click for same on Companions? PvP Queue Systems- need to be balanced. There's a hundred ways to fix it, and I'm not here to tell you which one to do, but what matters is the...
This happened on Star Forge quite early during the day, about 2 to 3 hours before most Solo Ranked PvPers got on. Since I was on vacations I was able to queue pretty much 24/7 if I wanted to. I found out that this early in the day was the best time to queue on high rating ch...