Classic Smuggler Companions Search: Companion Weapon Military Gear Courting Luxury Technology Republic Memorabilia Imperial Memorabilia Cultural Artifact Trophy Underworld Goods Delicacies Maintenance Bowdaar Favorite Like Like Love Like Favorite Love Like Favorite Akaavi Spar Favorite Love Favorite Like Like...
Smuggler Sith Warrior Sith Inquisitor Bounty Hunter Imperial Agent Choose aSpecies Mirialan Rattataki Pureblood Miraluka Human Zabrak Twi'lek Cyborg Chiss Cathar Togruta Nautolan Recent Guides Armors with Color Variations in SWTOR SWTOR Crashing While Playing Guide ...
Smuggler A lands on *Makeb*, ready to witness the rise of the Hutt Cartel and all the ensuing mayhem. Insert whatever planet you like here, and whatever storyline that might still be coming. When you enter *Makeb* for the first time, usually you start out by talking to a lot of pe...
Companions Customizations Gifts Codex Lore Toys Datacrons Tunings Emotes Achievements + MoreArmor of Darth Revan Armor Set The Armor of Darth Revan armor set is a Cartel Market armor set that players can buy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This set is wearable by characters on either faction ...
will only ERP with a female player, you’re putting the art of RolePlay more on your personal desires than extending your talents to a character you control. After all, what does it matter to your male smuggler that the female ex-Jedi coming on to him is controlled by a guy or a ...
PostedDecember 13, 2011 jumay said: nice guide. i would guess the next section to add is on companions and their efficiency ratings I will look into it, currently I am still awaiting my early game access as well ^^. I will browse for other sources of information!
Sith corruption in non-Force using classes- needs to go quickly. Grandfather it in if you must for existing players who choose it, but the Zombie-Smugglers, and Walking Dead Troopers are just lame. It makes no sense. I don't like it for my Smuggler at all, and want it removed pretty...
Corellian SmugglerCorellia Planetary Vendor - 200,000 Credits per piece Hadrium OnslaughtArmormech Lvl 570, Level 66+ Hardguard (Imperial)Planet Vendors Xonolite Mesh (Republic)Retired Old Drops Quest Shared Revanite AvengerCartel Market / GTN ...