1概况2016年4月25—29日,中国气象局国家卫星气象中心张效信研究员访问了美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)空间天气预报中心(SWPC),就空间天气预报技术和服务的双边合作事宜进行交流,期间参加了美国空间天气战略和执行计划专题讨论会和在美国科罗拉多州布隆菲(Broom—field)同期召开的第16次美国空间天气研讨会(SWW16:16th ...
当前【08时46分】级别为C3.1级,小耀斑还在继续上升中,需等待最大值的监测结果………数据来源:NOAA SWPC相关知识太阳耀斑(Solar flare)是太阳活动的重要表现,是太阳表面局部区域突然和大规模的能量释放过程,引起局部区域瞬时加热,向外发射各种电磁辐射,并伴随粒子辐射突然增强,所辐射出的光的波长横跨整个电磁波谱。发...
In 2011, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) transitioned the world's first operational space weather model into use at the National Weather Service's Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputing System (WCOSS). This operational forecasting tool is comprised of the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (...
活动区正在爆发太阳耀斑,北京时间03时22分开始,为C1.3级小耀斑强度。 此时,耀斑强度继续上升中,需等待最大值的监测结果… 数据来源:NOAA SWPC 说明: B:微小耀斑(无影响) C:小耀斑(几乎无影响) M:中等耀斑(对无线电有影响) X:大耀斑(对无线电有大影响) X10+:特大耀斑(对无线电有特大影响) X20+:超大耀...
NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at www.swpc.noaa.gov/noaa-scales-explanation Potential Impacts: Area of impact centered on sub-solar point on the sunlit side of Earth. Extent of blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication dependent upon current X-ray Flux intensity....
NOAA-SWPC/COMIOmaster BranchesTags Code Folders and filesLatest commit rmontuoro Set version to 0.0.10. d74a613· Oct 2, 2021 History56 Commits build-aux Initial COMIO revision. Feb 5, 2020 m4 Add support for pnetcdf-config flags from older May 9, 2020...
解析器,用于从太空天气预报中心( 获取地球磁场参数。 描述 这是简单的纯nodejs数据抓取程序,可抓取主要和次要的并将其解析为数组。 用法 var geomagnetic = require ( 'geomagnetic' ) ; geomagnetic . getPrimary ( function ( err , data ) { if ( err ) throw err ; console . log ( data ) ; } ...
William J. Murtagh, NOAA/NWS/Space Weather Prediction, Boulder, CO Recorded presentation The NWS Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), one of the nine National Weather Service National Centers for Environmental Prediction, is the nation's official source for space weather alerts and warnings. The...
swpc.noaa.gov 在 2月 2025的前 5 大競爭對手是:spaceweather.com、solarham.com、n3kl.org、thefarside.com 等。 根據Similarweb 每月造訪量的資料顯示,swpc.noaa.gov 在 2月 2025的主要競爭對手 spaceweather.com 有 811K 次造訪量。swpc.noaa.gov相似程度第 2 名的網站為 solarham.com,2月 2025有 818...
NOAA's Space Weather PredictionCenter (SWPC) provides the Nation's officialspace weather alerts, warnings, watches andforecasts. The goal of these critical warnings is thesecuring critical data to enable long-termpredictions and short-term warnings, andintegrating space weather and terrestrial weather...