Location: S18E30 NOAA Scale: R2 - Moderate NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at www.swpc.noaa.gov/noaa-scales-explanation Potential Impacts: Area of impact centered primarily on sub-solar point on the sunlit side of Earth. Radio - Limited blackout of HF (high frequency) ra...
解析器,用于从太空天气预报中心( 获取地球磁场参数。 描述 这是简单的纯nodejs数据抓取程序,可抓取主要和次要的并将其解析为数组。 用法 var geomagnetic = require ( 'geomagnetic' ) ; geomagnetic . getPrimary ( function ( err , data ) { if ( err ) throw err ; console . log ( data ) ; } ...
通过紫外线频段对地球地壳产生的地震射电扫描耀斑有助于地震震源和烈度预测。美国太空天气预报中心的网站提供有对地球地壳紫外线射电暴的扫描数据,网址是: 链接 +5
In 2011, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) transitioned the world's first operational space weather model into use at the National Weather Service's Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputing System (WCOSS). This operational forecasting tool is comprised of the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (...
3-day GOES X-ray Flux MonitorNOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction CenterNoaa
swpc.noaa.gov 在 2月 2025的前 5 大競爭對手是:spaceweather.com、solarham.com、n3kl.org、thefarside.com 等。 根據Similarweb 每月造訪量的資料顯示,swpc.noaa.gov 在 2月 2025的主要競爭對手 spaceweather.com 有 811K 次造訪量。swpc.noaa.gov相似程度第 2 名的網站為 solarham.com,2月 2025有 818...