When receiving orthodontia for straighter teeth, you may find swollen gums with braces come with the territory. Here's how to care for them.
If your teeth or gums are sore from your braces, get instant relief with Orajel™ 4x Medicated for Tooth and Gum, in a cream or gel formula. Simply apply with a finger or a cotton swab along the base of the teeth at the gumline for cooling pain relief. ...
These are usually caused if you damage your mouth accidentally while brushing your teeth, or if braces or dentures irritate the gums; however, they can become infected and cause further problems. Blisters These will most often appear in the small gaps between the teeth and gums, and are an e...
so when there is a swelling in your gums, they may bulge out and look red. This can make your gums sensitive, irritated and even painful. You can have bleeding gums when brushing or flossing the teeth. Fortunately, you can reduce the swelling of gums by maintaining proper oral...
4. Swollen Gums after Dental Fixtures and Implants: Braces and other dental fixtures may contribute to worsening of gum disease by covering much of the tooth surface. That makes it difficult to clean the teeth and the gum line where the plaque biofilm stagnates. ...