When receiving orthodontia for straighter teeth, you may find swollen gums with braces come with the territory. Here's how to care for them.
Stay stocked up on Orajel™ Medicated Tooth & Gum Cream or Gel and Orajel™ Analgesic & Astringent Rinse for Toothache throughout your orthodontic treatment. Follow these tips to deal with the pain from braces, and soon the swollen gums and sore teeth will be a distant memory. All that...
Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, making it a great treatment for irritated and inflamed gums. To use tea tree oil for swollen gums relief, you can follow either of the home remedies daily until your gums become healthy again. Add some tea tree oil to a cup...
Cigarette smoking and tobacco chewing can be extremely damaging to your gums. You will find that smoking will increase your number of gum problems, from sensitive gums that bleed to painful sores. Mouth washes and toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate have also been linked with swollen g...