There are many possible causes of cheek swelling and soreness on one side of the face. Some are benign and some can be serious. Common causes for your cheek to be swollen and sore on one side include dental abscess, injury to the face, benign fatty tumor
A: Your cheek is swollen.His swollen eyes kept crying.Her face looks so swollen.I practiced too hard that my feet are swollen. 查看更多回答 Q: 請提供關於 swollen 的例句給我。 A: Your toe looks swollen! Is it infected? -> natural, most common usage, with body partsThe river was...
They are more common in teens and young adults, and mostly females. Possible triggers of canker sores and thus swollen gum around one tooth include a minor injury from ill fitted dental work, overzealous brushing, sports mishap or an accidental cheek bite. Helicobacter Pylori infection and emotio...
This is another great way on how to treat swollen gums and cheek that you should not look down, yet try to apply for good. Flossing between your teeth regularly helps to remove the buildup of plaque and bacteria from your teeth, thereby helping to prevent the gums from swelling. You shou...