Most women will experience swollen gums at some point during their life, as the skin in this area of the body is particularly thin and therefore susceptible toinflammationandinfections. Even with good dental care, it is possible to experience problems, but with some knowledge about the common ca...
Change your toothpaste if you find it is hurting the affected area. Don't use alcohol and tobacco, since both those substances can irritate your gums further. Don't ignore the problem. Begin taking action to help reduce the swelling, and see a professional to ensure the swelling in your ...
Gums and Canker Sores Common culprits behind painful gums are canker sores, or mouth ulcers. These painful sores can develop anywhere inside the mouth, including on the gums, and often have a whitish center with red edges. You may have one canker sore at a time, making only one area on...
so when there is a swelling in your gums, they may bulge out and look red. This can make your gums sensitive, irritated and even painful. You can have bleeding gums when brushing or flossing the teeth. Fortunately, you can reduce the swelling of gums by maintaining proper oral...
Lymph nodes are generally in groups or chains along the paths of the larger lymphatic vessels throughout the body and each group drains a specific area of your body, but are absent in the central nervous system. Figure 1 shows the major locations of lymph nodes. You may be more likely to...
a swollen area,especiallyon the body as a result of injury, diseaseetc.She had a swelling on her arm where the wasp had stung her.hinchazón,tumefacción swollen(ˈswəulən)adjective increased in size, thicknessetc, through swelling.a swollen river;He had a swollen ankle after fallin...
If your child is getting a new tooth, you will see swelling and redness in that area. Apply ice to the area to soothe the inflammation. Sometimes, hard candy or crunchy items can scrape a child's gums, which can cause bleeding and swelling. It's also common for children to injure thei...
the jaw pain, I am still leaning to an impacted wisdom tooth. But if that wisdom tooth has broken through the skin even a little bit, there is a possibility of a gum infection in that area. And since you say it is on both sides, it is more likely to be related to the gums. ...
Lump under one side of the jaw Tenderness and pain Redness to cheek Sometimes a small white stone is seen inside the mouth in the upper cheek area Salivary gland tumor (rare) A lump (usually painless) in the area of the ear, cheek, jaw, lip, or inside the mouth Trouble swallowing Fl...
Skin infection:Infection of the skin on the face can cause redness and swelling. This type of infection could involve one part of the face or the entire face. Eye infection:Bacterial or viral eye infections can causeswelling to one eyelidor both eyelids and the area of the face surrounding ...