He had been issued the wrong-size shoes by a popular, easy-going supply-sergeant, and in consequence his feet were so swollen that the last hours of the afternoon were an acute torture. For the first time in his life he could throw himself down on his cot between dinner and afternoon ...
Her left breast is painful and swollen. (她左乳房疼痛且肿大。) She has heavy bleeding with her periods. (她月经来的很多。) Her vaginal discharge is white or greenish-yellow and unpleasant smelling. (她XX分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且气味不好。) She has not...
I also saw many .45-70 empty cases badly swollen from being fired in the chamber of .50-70 rifles the Indians had left over from the Civil War. The .45-70 ammunition was probably stolen or traded to the Indians. The recovered lead bullets only showed rifling marks on one side. The ...
The problem with Meursault is that the best growers are having swollen heads these days. Now I agree some whisky makers are suffering from the same syndrome. Let's always remember that the price for barley is very roughly 300€ a ton. I believe you need a little less than one kilo of ...
A stunning mix of fatty, swollen waxes, putty and cooking oils mixed with delicate preserve fruit jams, conserves and cordials. Lots of old hessian, leather, dunnage earthiness, raisins in brandy, wee notes of fennel and caraway and this ever-present, persevering herbaceous complexity. A hug ...
maybe your ZARA will open next minute, LV will glue, and your face will also be swollen because of allergy. We sincerely hope that the so-called big international brands that we buy at high prices can really raise their price and quality, and hope that these become the past, hoping that...
Body part terms in Lavukaleve, a Papuanlanguage of the Solomon IslandsAngela TerrillMax Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Postbus 310, 6500 AH Nijmegen, The NetherlandsRadboud University Nijmegen, Erasmusplein 1, 6525 HT Nijmegen, The NetherlandsAbstractThis paper explores body part terms in ...
Alternatively, the ester may be incorporated with the alcoholic beverage by being dissolved or swollen In water or water-ethanol mixtures, and the paste or solution thus obtained added to an aqueous ethanol solution or to any other materials used in the preparation of the beverage. As another ...
Theabscessproducesadull,gnawing,continuouspain,oftenwithasurroundingcellulitisandedemaoftheadjacentfacialstructures,andmobilityoftheinvolvedtooth.Thegumoppositetheapexofthetoothisusuallyswollenonthecheekside.Swellingandcellulitisofthefacialstructuresmaymakeitdifficultforthepatienttoopenthemouth. ...
swollen suspicious supplying sunny suggesting suburb subsection streetcar stimulation stimulating steep statutory statute static statewide standpoint stability squares spur sprang spokesmen spokesman spectators specimens soviets solids solidarity snap smallest slightest slice skeletal sized sixteenth sinister singer ...