(i2p5acn)tsshow in turn shotuhlde aacttceonmd ptoanthyeincgartcoaorntowonhilaentdhetyhewepraeirlisotfenKinEg-CtoS tsheensteenntceenscews.hAicshanthiellupsatrrattiicoinpaonfttshiws ere asked to pinrotuctohrcnoootlh,se(e2a5fcraco)ombme.ploawnyoinffgercsaartnooenxaamndpltehoefptahier brief ...
With the soft-switching technique, inverter efficiency can be improved from 81.91% to 98.60% in the 500 kHz WPT system. Keywords: wireless power transfer (WPT) system; coil design; soft-switching 1. Introduction Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems, which can transfer energy from a power ...
(1 −−ee−−( (xλixλ)ik)k−−YYi )i2)2 (16) (16) In Equation (16), xi is the number of expie=r1imental cycles and Yi is the failure rate corresponding to thIne nEuqmuabteiorni e(1x6p)e,rxiimisetnhtealncuymclebeinr othf eexapceturiaml eexnptaelricmycelnetsaa...
22..44.. MMeetthhooddoollooggyy aanndd EExxppeerriimmeennttaall RReessuullttss Note that the experimental setup of Figure 4a does not include a polarization scrambler to rotateNtohteeSthOaPt othfetheexpoeprtiimcaelnptaacl kseettus pbeoffoFreigtuhreer4eacedivoeers.nInosttienacdlu, daeseatpo...
yst‐astaetve avlualeuoef oifn idnudcutoctrocru crurerrnetnrti sreisfer ofrmom5% 5%to t9o5 9%5.%. TThhee coconntrtorlo cl ocoorodridnianteaste osf tohfe tBhéeziBeér zciuervec uarrvee thaer peatrhaemeptaerrasm neetedr sto nbeee...