1.114Haveatransparentwindow62 1.115BypassWindowErrorpopupmessage63 1.116Getharddiskserialnumber63 2Datawindow65 2.1pb−datawindow65 2.2Loadanarraywiththenamesofeverycolumninadw65 2.3Haveadifferentcolorfornewlyinsertedrow65 2.4SetaDatetoNULL65 2.5CreatedynamicallyaDataWindow65 2.6Getthepagecountofareport66 2.7...
for development purposes Google Chrome allows you to bypass this requirement when working over localhost so you can easily debug and install the PWA on your development device. This feature is not a default setting in Chrome. You need to enable it via chrome://flags as explained hereOptions fo...