Baby Swing Manufacturers, Skipping Rope Manufacturers, Hockey Helmet Manufacturers, Athletic Equipment Exporters, Basketball Pole Exporters, Basketball Uniform Exporters Dream Works Geeta Colony 8A/1 Second Floor, Pin Code No- 201001, Delhi 09643203706 Bedroom Sets, Serving Trays, Children Furniture, Baby...
Also in that photo note the radar is missing. The stern tower is working out great, but the radar was too low. Joe the electronics guy immediately scoffed, noting the radar beams that would hit us in the cockpit. So it’s getting a 4′ extension pole made from VA Bob’s windsurfer m...
We decided to use an extension DC power adapter cable and keep the LED pieces on top of the swing arm. this meant using velcro with the control box. We bought a y-splitter that connected the 2 LED strips to the control box so that we could run 2 shorter strips, one down each swing...