SwiftUI 提供了Alert,用以呈现重要通知,可以支持一到两个按钮,而sheet()则是在当前视图之上展示新视图,此外我们还有ActionSheet:它是Alert的替代品,可以让我们添加更多按钮。 视觉上 alerts 和 action sheets 差别很大:在 iPhones,alert 是出现在屏幕中央,并且必须通过选择一个按钮关闭,而 action sheets 是从底部滑出...
message: Text("This is a message"), dismissButton: .default(Text("OK")))// }Button("Show alert"){showAlert=true}.alert(isPresented:$showAlert){Alert(title:Text("Alert"),message:Text("This is a alert with two buttons
alert.声明语句的下面添加下面的代码: alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Play Again", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default, handler: { action in self.setupGame() })) 1. 2. 3. title决定了button的内容,handler决定了button被按下后会去调用setupGame()alert.addAction(...).下面加上下面的代码,执...
let cancelAction = WKAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel) { print("Cancel") } presentAlert(withTitle: "Tip", message: "Do you want to see it.", preferredStyle: .alert, actions: [confirmAction, denyAction, cancelAction]) } @IBAction func presentSideBySideStyleAction() { let c...
custom(title: "Action Sheet", message: "What do you want to do next?", buttons: buttons)) } ... func fetchData { ... }Note that you can use all of the Alert.Buttons SwiftUI provides. Here I'm using a destructive with action button and have wrapped the actual work into a ...
Alert组件高级使用 解决TextField 代码 1、主界面 importSwiftUIstructContentView:View{@StatevarshowAlert=false@Statevartext=""varbody:someView{NavigationView{VStack{Text("SwiftUI Alert With Text").padding(.all,10)Text("输入的内容:\(self.text)")}.navigationBarItems(trailing:Button(action:{//action...
这似乎是一个简单的功能,但是比其他功能更简单,更安全。...id)) } } } 那是另一个属性,在onTapGesture()中设置另一个值,并在alert()修饰符中强制展开——如果您可以避免这些事情的话那随你好了。...参考 Alert弹窗 SwiftUI:ActionSheet 弹窗 SwiftUI:Sheet 视图 译自 Using alert() and sheet() with...
(path: $path, picture: $picture)}).alert("Save Picture", isPresented: $showAlert, actions: {Button("Cancel", role: .cancel, action: {showAlert = false})Button("YES", role: .none, action: {if let picture {UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(picture, nil, nil, nil)}})}, message: { ...
2. Action sheet appears with action confirmation 3. Human taps OK in the action sheet 4. Action block called which can return either success or error 5. In case of error, app needs to present an alert with its description ### Expected Alert with error description presented on top of a ...