To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 9 on macOS High Sierra: • Quit Xcode; • Launch "Swiftify for Xcode" from your Applications folder and follow the link to get your API key (if you leave it blank, the output will be limited to 1 KB); • Enable Swiftify extension in Syst...
Refer to for more information. Swiftify for Xcode allows converting your Objective-C code to Swift 5.9 (or 5.8) right in Xcode. The app includes Xcode & Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual...
-(void)renderer:(id <SCNSceneRenderer>)rendererdidAddNode:(SCNNode*)nodeforAnchor:(ARAnchor*)anchor; { if(self.planeFound==NO) { if([anchorisKindOfClass:[ARPlaneAnchorclass]]) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^{ self.planeFound=YES; ...
To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 16 (or Xcode 15) on macOS Sequoia (or Sonoma): • Quit Xcode • Launch “Swiftify for Xcode” from your Applications folder a…
Includes Xcode and Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual project migration. To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 16 (or Xcode 15) on macOS Sequoia (or Sonoma): • Quit Xcode • Launch “Swiftify for Xcode” from your Applications folder and fol...
Includes Xcode and Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual project migration. To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 16 (or Xcode 15) on macOS Sequoia (or Sonoma): • Quit Xcode • Launch “Swiftify for Xcode” from your Applications folder and fol...
Refer to for more information.Swiftify for Xcode allows converting your Objective-C code to Swift 5.9 (or 5.8) right in Xcode.The app includes Xcode & Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual ...
Includes Xcode and Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual project migration. To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 16 (or Xcode 15) on macOS Sequoia (or Sonoma): • Quit Xcode • Launch “Swiftify for Xcode” from your Applications folder and fol...
Refer to for more information. Swiftify for Xcode allows converting your Objective-C code to Swift 5.9 (or 5.8) right in Xcode. The app includes Xcode & Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual...
Includes Xcode and Finder extensions and the Advanced Project Converter app best suited for gradual project migration. To install Swiftify for Xcode in Xcode 16 (or Xcode 15) on macOS Sequoia (or Sonoma): • Quit Xcode • Launch “Swiftify for Xcode” from your Applications folder and fol...