Alert Row Will show an alert with the options to choose from. ActionSheet Row Will show an action sheet with the options to choose from. Push Row Will push to a new controller from where to choose options listed using Check rows. Multiple Selector Row Like PushRow but allows the sele...
Personally, I live for an upset alert. Ilovewhen a D2, D3 or NAIA school beats a D1 team. Here, you can easily check when smaller schools are playing Division I universities (unfortunately, there was no trace of an upset on this one): ...
StatusAlert - Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts without interrupting user flow. SweetAlert - Alert system. Swift-Prompts - Design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from. SwiftEntryKit - A simple and versatile pop-up presenter. SwiftMessages - A very flexib...
I am not showing an alert asking the user whether this is okay or not, because that’s not the focus of this recipe. I suggest that you do so, though. NSOperationQueue().addOperationWithBlock{[unowned store] in let predicate = CNContact.predicateForContactsMatchingName("john") let to...
{ VStack { Button("Test SWIFTUI") { sShowing = true } } .fileImporter(isPresented: $sShowing, allowedContentTypes: [.item]) {result in alertText = String(describing: result) showAlert = true } VStack { Button("Test UIKIT") { uShowing = true } } .sheet(isPresented: $uShowing) ...
When a user taps on the GIDSignIn button, the app shows an alert showing "MyAPP" want to use for Sign in, but the alert dismisses quickly. The error I get in the didSignInFor user: GIDGoogleUser method as follows: 2019-02-21 16:54:13.104279+0530...
One common question in SwiftUI app development is how to work with Core Data to save data permanently in the Simon Ng SwiftUI Working with String Catalogs for App Localization in iOS 17 With the release of Xcode 15, Apple introduced an exciting feature called String Catalogs. This feature aims...
view controller a chance to handle specific behavior in the completion handler, or/then pass it to our ENUM for more general behavior such as sending out a notification that the download had finished, updating app state or just throwing up a AlertViewController with a single action for 'OK'...
The title is a simple string that will usually be displayed on top of the alert or the action view. The message is an optional message that you would like to display to the user. This message usually appears under the title. Last but not least is the style of the alert controller, ...
title = @"Second Alert"; [self.form addFormRow:newRow afterRow:rowDescriptor]; } else if ([[oldValue valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)] == NO && [[newValue valueData] isEqualToNumber:@(0)]){ [self.form removeFormRowWithTag:@"secondAlert"]; } }...