Sweet Potato (Shakarkandi) Sweet potato is a root vegetable. It is a dicotyledonous plant which is characterized by its seed having two embryonic leaves better known as cotyledons and belongs to the family Convolvulaceae. Sweet potato’s scientific name is Ipomoea Batatas. It is not really rela...
Characteristics of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) Common English name: sweet potato, Louisiana-yam (Sur de EE.UU.) Scientific name: Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Other taxonomic names: –Convulvus batatas L. (1737) –Batata edulis (Thunberg) Choisy (1833) Family: Convolvulaceae ...
Sweetpotatois tuberous crop from the morning glory family Convolvulaceae native to Tropical regions in America. Sweet potato was believed to be domesticated in either South America or Central America. Sweet potato was domesticated in Central America 5,000 years ago. Sweet potato was found back 8000 ...
What is a sweet potato? Ipomoea batatasis the scientific name for sweet potatoes, coming from thedicotyledonousplant in the morning glory family. You are likely to find some sweet potatoes labeled as yams at the store. There are three common types: ...
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is a hexaploid annual or perennial dicotyledonous root plant of the Ipomoea genus in the Convolvulaceae family. Sweet potato has the valuable characteristics of high yield, strong adaptability, and rich nutritional value [1,2,3]. It is a widely distrib...
While many people lump all potatoes into one category, potatoes can actually be quite different in terms of their taste, flavor, texture, and nutrients. Sweet potatoes are no exception! Sweet potatoes belong to an entirely different food family than either yams or the common potato that is such...
The plasma membrane- localized sucrose transporter IbSWEET10 contributes to the resistance of sweet potato to Fusarium oxysporum. Front Plant Sci. 2017;8:197. 29. Wang T, Song Z, Meng WL, Li LB. Identification, characterization, and expres- sion of the SWEET gene family in Phalaenopsis ...
I grew up on an Idaho potato farm, so I am alllll about the potatoes! My husband loves to make mashed potatoes at our house, but he always tends to make more than we eat (eyes bigger than the stomach thing…..). Instead of throwing these extra potatoes away, we freeze them to use...
It has a delicate sweet flavor and subtle pungent (spicy) taste; comparatively gentler thanoregano(Origanum vulgare). Botanically, marjoram is a member ofLabiataefamily, of the genus,Origanum. Its scientific name:Origanum majorana. The Labatiacea family also includes some of the commonly known herb...
I love, love, LOVE sweet potato pie! I’ve always thought it the superior pie in the pumpkin v sweet potato war. But it could be because I’m from Maryland, a state some consider southern, and I definitely have a whole lot of family from locales a LOT futher south! Too bad I’m...