Lam., the sweet potato, is one of the most important crops worldwide and a staple in many countries. It is cultivated in warm countries for its edible storage roots, and thousands of cultivars and landraces have been recorded worldwide. It is the best-known member of the genus Ipomoea L...
英语解释 sweet-potato whitefly 相似短语 genus bemisia phr. 小粉虱属 bemisia tabaci phr. 烟粉虱 genus hybrid 属间杂种 form genus 形态属 genus ictalurus phr. 真鮰属 genus amblyrhynchus phr. 须蜥蜴属 genus patella phr. 笠螺属 genus cotula phr. 山芫荽属 genus ananas phr. 菠萝...
英语解释 type genus of the Solanaceae: nightshade; potato; eggplant; bittersweet 相似短语 genus solanumphr. 茄属 solanum rostratumphr. 刺萼龙葵 solanum wrightiiphr. 大花茄 solanum crispumphr. 星花茄 solanum burbankiiphr. 越橘 solanum dulcamaraphr. 欧白英 ...
(EB) as a fluorescence probe, fluorescence quenching of the emission peak was seen in the DNA—BB system when anthocyanins were added, indicating that the anthocyanins bound with DNA The acylated groups influenced the ability of the interaction with DNA Anthocyanins from purple sweet potato with ...
Article: Comparison of the complete sequences of five different isolates of Potato virus a (PVA), genus Potyvirus
Tourn. ex L., such as Gladiolus callianthus Marais, Gladiolus colvillei Sweet, Gladiolus nanus hort., Gladiolus ramosus hort., Gladiolus tubergenii hort., Hyacinthus L., Iris L., Trigridia Juss, Tulipa L., intended for planting, and potato tubers (Solanumtuberosum L.), intended for ...
Diaporthe caulivora is a fungal pathogen causing stem canker in soybean worldwide. The generation of genomic and transcriptomic information of this ascomycete, together with a comparative genomic approach with other pathogens of this genus, will contribu
Although karyologically well studied, the genus Tanacetum (Asteraceae) is poorly known from the perspective of molecular cytogenetics. The prevalence of polyploidy, including odd ploidy warranted an extensive cytogenetic study. We studied several species
125. Spores ellipsoid (4.5-8 µ wide). 127126. Found from Florida to Texas and New Jersey; cap often with pinkish hues; odor a combination of sweetish pungency and chlorine; cells from universal veil on cap infrequently clavate. at Studies in the AmanitaceaeAmanita subsolitaria...
Further characterization of sweetpotato virus 2: a distinct species of the genus Potyvirus . Archives of Virology 149 , 225 – 39 .Ateka EM, Barg E, Njeru RW, Lesemann DE, Vetten HJ (2004) Further characterization of ‘sweet potato virus 2’: A distinct species in the genus Potyvirus ...