(documentPath);1314// Get the root SVG element of the document15varsvgElement=document.RootElement;1617// Create a rectangle element and set the "fill" attribute value to change background color18varrectElement=(SVGRectElement)document.CreateElementNS(SvgNamespace,"rect");19rectElement.X.BaseVal...
使用addEventListener()方法为该形状或路径添加一个点击事件监听器。例如,shape.addEventListener("click", changeColor);。这将在点击该形状或路径时触发changeColor函数。 在changeColor函数中,使用setAttribute()方法来更改形状或路径的填充颜色属性。例如,shape.setAttribute("fill", "#FF0000");。这将把填充颜色更改...
并且 <svg> 带有 viewBox 属性,那么将用 viewBox 计算宽高比,图像会被缩放已匹配指定的尺寸; ...
background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Crect x='1' y='1' width='100%25' height='100%25' style='width:calc(100%25 - 2px);height:calc(100%25 - 2px)' rx='16' stroke-width='2' stroke='url(%23paint0_linear_3269_...
<linearGradient id="background"> <!--背景渐变色--> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#232526" /> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#414345" /> </linearGradient> <linearGradient id="text-color" x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="100%"> <!--文字渐变色--> ...
hover-color-change.gif 基于transform的形状变换动画 和普通的HTML元素一样,SVG元素可以通过transform进行平移、旋转和缩放等形状变换。 但两者的变换参考点不同。对于普通的HTML元素,变换的参考点,默认值是元素自身在x、y方向的中心位置50% 50%(这里仅考虑二维平面),也就是元素的旋转、移位、缩放等操作都是以元素...
有一些列属性是和mask相关的,比如:mask-position、mask-repeat和mask-size。这些属性和background属性是一样的,你可以使用类似background的简写语法。 .icon{background-color:red;-webkit-mask:url(icon.svg) no-repeat50%50%;mask:url(icon.svg) no-repeat50%50%; ...
Naturally you can revise the auto-detected settings. Vector Magic offers you meaningful settings that are comprehensible to humans, not just to a machine, and they're easy to change. Read the full tutorial » Need to convert JPG to SVG? Look to Vector Magic for the best results in the ...
Breaking change: RGBColor must accept new Breaking change: Avoid passing canvg/buildCanvgCallback to extensions (have them import) Breaking change: Have readLang now return a value (lang and data) (as well as putLocale which returns a call to it) but do not call setLang Breaking change: ...
Change stroke ColorTo change the stroke color, select the shape/object and from the color palette, choose a color to apply to the shape/object. Change stroke width by 1, shift-click to change by 0.1Allows to change the width of the stroke. ...