The Instagram logo is a perfect example of an awkward SVG file that requires more CSS finesse than most. Again, there is nothingwrongwith this SVG, but it presents some challenges for styling. In order to add a hover state that alters the background, we will need to change the code abov...
① 如果文件中的根元素 <svg> 带有明确的 height 和 width 属性,则它们会被用作文件的固有尺寸; ...
#multi-bg{height:300px;display:block;background-color:#808;background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 1600 900'%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23cc3f47' points='957 450 539 900 1396 900'/%3E%3Cpolygon fill='%23b3373e' points='957...
(-50%, -50%);3233//想要修改具名插槽的样式, 直接通过.el-card__header类名修改,不好使34//样式穿透,用于修改子组件元素的样式, 修改子组件header插槽的样式35::v-deep.el-card__header {36text-align: center;37background-color: #727cf5;38color: #fff;39height: 80px;40line-height: 40px;41}...
有一些列属性是和mask相关的,比如:mask-position、mask-repeat和mask-size。这些属性和background属性是一样的,你可以使用类似background的简写语法。 .icon{background-color:red;-webkit-mask:url(icon.svg) no-repeat50%50%;mask:url(icon.svg) no-repeat50%50%; ...
” Also, the “mask-size” is “cover” here. Then we are going to apply colors to these svg icons with the help of the “background-color” property. We set “red” for the first SVG icon, “pink” as the “background color” for the second SVG icon, and “yellow” color for...
颜色值错误:首先要确保提供的填充和描边颜色值是正确的,可以使用CSS颜色值或十六进制颜色码来定义颜色。例如,填充颜色可以使用CSS的background-color属性,描边颜色可以使用CSS的border-color属性。 元素属性错误:SVG图形中的填充和描边属性由元素的属性控制。例如,<rect>元素的fill属性控制填充颜色,stroke属性控制描边颜色...
When the game time is less than or equal to constants.warningTime, the background of the circular game arena flashes red. This effect is accomplished by first setting the arena floor to red and then setting up another callback function (i.e., Arena.prototype.defaultFloorColor) to change ...
If the application has not set values for --color0 and --color1 (because it does not support the CPAL table, for example), then the fallback values provided in the var() functions (darkblue and #00aab3, respectively) are used. Note that these are in fact the same colors as in the...