load函数还可以返回status、headers和redirect属性,用于控制HTTP响应。例如,你可以设置状态码、添加HTTP头或重定向到另一个URL。 export async function load({ page }) { const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/data'); if (response.status === 401) { return { status: 401, redirect: ...
Login / Logout Pages (using Lucia), including redirect to login page on attempt to access authenticated page. ALso a basic logged in user manageement (add / remove users, and update passwords, everyone is admin) skGuard used to protect routes no matter how they are accessed. skRoutes Route...
throw redirect(302, '/login'); // redirect to login page await auth.invalidateSession(session.id); // invalidate session const sessionCookie = auth.createBlankSessionCookie(); data.cookies.set(sessionCookie.name, sessionCookie.value, { path: '.', ...sessionCookie.attributes }); redirect(302...
(pages and SvelteKit endpoints) and uses the route or endpoint name as the function name. But, generated function names for nested and random routes can be hard to predict. To confirm the name of a generated function, refer to theFunctionspage in the Netlify UI for a list of all the ...
Either clickOpen siteand navigate to http://<yoursite>.local/wp-admin, or just clickWP Adminto open that page directly. Log in with the credentials you entered earlier. Set 2. Prepare WordPress for headless deployment On your brand new admin home screen, you’ll need to take a few extra...
Only seeing default Error Page when accessing the app remotely You need to enableDetailed errorsin IIS for the site. Navigate to the site in IIS Manager OpenError Pages ClickEdit Feature Settings...under the Actions menu on the right
* If you use typescript you need to updateLocalstype withauthso that auth is correctly recognized throughout the project: importtype{ServerRequestAuth}from"@edgedb/auth-sveltekit/server";declareglobal{namespaceApp{// interface Error {}interfaceLocals{auth:ServerRequestAuth;}// interface PageData {...
In Remix, we define a function called loader, which will be passed an object with things like URL params and the request data that we’ll use to prepare any data. The loader function can then return any data that the page will need. This data can then be retrieved in the component usi...
First things first, we need to map out how the database tables should be structured. In order to do that, we need to familiarize ourselves with the application itself. Running the application and playing around with the Todo page, we can observe the following functionality: ...