实际项目中,通过将 vue3 替换成 svelte,框架体积就从337.46kb减少到18kb,页面性能指标提升了57%。
I'll assume you don't want to change anything with this setup after cloning so let's get to work!Copy the environment variables cp .env.example .env Replace the <absolute_url> in the local database with: pwd # If it outputs: /User/Projects/svelte-launch # Replace the .env with: ...
import { getCurrentCookieValue } from "$lib/util/cookieUtils"; export async function load({ fetch, parent, url, setHeaders }) { const parentData = await parent(); const cacheBust = getCurrentCookieValue("todos-cache") || parentData.todosCacheBust; const search = url.searchParams.get("sea...
VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN =<your-auth0-domain>VITE_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID =<your-auth0-client-id>VITE_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL ="/somewhere"VITE_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL ="/somewhere-else" Create authStore in your project ./src/lib/stores/authStore.js (or .ts) ...
import{getTodo,updateTodo,wait}from"$lib/data/todoData";exportfunctionload({url}){constid=url.searchParams.get("id");console.log(id);consttodo=getTodo(id);return{todo,};} Our loader comes with aurlproperty from which we can pull query string values. This makes it easy to look up the...
我知道我需要将我的json转换为附加到url的base64,然后我会返回经过编辑和优化的图像。 作为svelte的新手,我寻找了一些关于如何在飞行中请求特定图像的选项。 现在当我在我的 标记缓冲区正在破坏我的打字机模块我非常确定我做错了什么,并且可能以一种不好的方式实现它让clientWidth,element;$:measuredWidth = element...
of our application. Any files inside that have a+prefix are special to SvelteKit. To create a new page, we create a Svelte component named+page.svelte. The folders leading up to this file make up the URL path. For example,/src/routes/test/+page.sveltewould be served under the URL/...
we'll now run the app using thepnpm devcommand and open the url ( default ishttp://localhost:5173/) We should see this basic page Next we'll configure docker, make sure it is installed or install ithere. Configuring the Node Adapter ...
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