实际项目中,通过将 vue3 替换成 svelte,框架体积就从337.46kb减少到18kb,页面性能指标提升了57%。
I'll assume you don't want to change anything with this setup after cloning so let's get to work!Copy the environment variables cp .env.example .env Replace the <absolute_url> in the local database with: pwd # If it outputs: /User/Projects/svelte-launch # Replace the .env with: ...
VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN =<your-auth0-domain>VITE_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID =<your-auth0-client-id>VITE_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL ="/somewhere"VITE_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL ="/somewhere-else" Create authStore in your project ./src/lib/stores/authStore.js (or .ts) ...
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@300;400;500&display=swap'); * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { background-color: #ddd; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto; } a { text-decoration: none...
我知道我需要将我的json转换为附加到url的base64,然后我会返回经过编辑和优化的图像。 作为svelte的新手,我寻找了一些关于如何在飞行中请求特定图像的选项。 现在当我在我的 标记缓冲区正在破坏我的打字机模块我非常确定我做错了什么,并且可能以一种不好的方式实现它让clientWidth,element;$:measuredWidth = element...
we'll now run the app using thepnpm devcommand and open the url ( default ishttp://localhost:5173/) We should see this basic page Next we'll configure docker, make sure it is installed or install ithere. Configuring the Node Adapter ...
Build full stack web apps with SvelteKit by the creator himself, Rich Harris! Learn to build dynamic, efficient web applications and create a real-world app, "SvelteFlix". Explore SvelteKit's features from basics to advanced topics like server hooks and
import SignUp from 'clerk-sveltekit/client/SignUp.svelte' <SignUp redirectUrl="/admin" /> Then, where you want to show the signed in user's photo and sign out button (probably in a +layout.svelte file in the header): import UserButton from 'clerk-sveltekit/client...
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://pgadmin:hunter2@localhost:5432/sveltekit_demo_dev" If you skip this step, attempts to run Prisma commands will throw an error:Error: P1000: Authentication failed against database server at 'localhost', the provided database credentials for 'johndoe' are not valid. ...