2. load 函数的参数: page对象包含有关当前路由的信息,如page.params(用于动态路由的参数)和 page.query(查询字符串参数)。 session对象可用于存储和访问用户的会话信息,如果启用了身份验证。 3. 分离的客户端和服务器端逻辑: load函数可以返回一个对象,其中包含client和server属性,以便为客户端和服务器端提供不同...
const page = parseInt(params.page) || 1const posts = Object.entries(import.meta.globEager('/posts/**/*.md')) // get post metadata .map(([, post]) => post.metadata) @@ -22,9 +24,6 @@ } })// get page parameter from URL const page = parseInt(query.get('page') ?? '1'...
In the +page.js file, retrieve the postid parameter from the route and use it to query the specific post:export const load = async (loadEvent) => { const { fetch, params } = loadEvent; const { postid } = params; const response = await fetch( `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com...
{ error } from '@sveltejs/kit' export const GET = async ({ params }) => { - const { category } = params + const { category } = params const options = { category, limit: -1 } - try { - const { posts } = await fetchPosts(options) - + try { + const { posts } = ...
If you use url.searchParams.get() or url.searchParams.getAll(), the OpenAPI schema will include query parameters. (back to top) Roadmap [ ] Add route parameters to OpenAPI schema [ ] Add type safety for request.formData() and request.json() usage [ ] Redesign API client to leverage ...
export const getServerSideProps = async ({ params, query }) => { // get a param from the url const id = params.id // getting data from the url query string const limit = query.limit return {props: {id, limit}} }; export default function SomePage() { let {id, limit} = useLo...
exportasyncfunctionGET({url,setHeaders,request}){constsearch=url.searchParams.get("search")||"";setHeaders({"cache-control":"max-age=60",});consttodos=awaitgetTodos(search);returnjson(todos);} We’ll look at manual invalidation shortly, but all this function says is to cache these API ...
像src/routes/archive/[page]这样的路由会匹配/archive/3,但它也会匹配/archive/potato。我们不希望这种情况发生。您可以通过向params目录添加一个匹配器(该匹配器接受参数字符串("3"或"potato")并在其有效时返回true)来确保路由参数格式正确… src/params/integer.js ...
fn((name) => { if (name === '__svelte__') { return fakeSvelteKitContext } }) const fakeSvelteKitContext = { page: writable({ path: '/', query: new URLSearchParams({ offset: 0, limit: 5 }) }), navigating: writable(false) } const mockedSvelteKit = { ...actualSvelte, get...
export const get = async (request) => { // request.locals.userid comes from src/hooks.js const response = await api(`api/blogs/${request.params.uid}`, request); if (response.status === 404) { // user hasn't created a todo list. // start with an empty array return { body: ...