Turbocharged Suzuki GSX-R1000 Drag Races A 1600HP Porsche 911 And A 1200 HP Audi R8 Bikes may have significantly fewer horsepower than supercars, but their crucial advantage lies in their weight, typically at least a... Read More Mark Capayas· Motorcycle Videos·December 6, 2023·1 min re...
Like the trim sub-frame, all of the bodywork is slim to enable the RM-Z450 rider to move freely in the cockpit, especially during spirited riding. Inspired by the advanced suspension from the GSX-R1000R Superbike, the RM-Z450 is fitted with a Showa BFRC shock absorber. The BFRC uses a...
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降维打击,Suzuki GSX-S950 虽然GSX-S950位列中量级NK,但是不动声色的身份下,藏着一颗绝不安分的“大心脏”。这台水冷、DOHC 16气门并列四缸发动机,采用73.4mm×59.0mm的缸径和冲程,汽缸排量高达999mL!与同属中量级NK的同胞兄弟GSX-8S相比,不仅汽缸排量多出223mL,而且汽缸数从双缸晋级到四缸,其实力之增长可想...
来自英国的 TTS Performance 是车辆涡轮增压动力改装的专家,不论是奥迪 R8 或是 Yamaha 重机,都能为各式车辆量身打造开发涡轮增压改装套件;而外观方面,Kardesign 的 Kar Lee,是一位热爱重机的绘图设计师,过去在网络上有许多非常受欢迎的作品,例如他曾为舍弃了车系招牌的 Ducati Monster 937 重新绘制上了钢管桁架...
Inspired by the advanced suspension from the GSX-R1000R Superbike, the RM-Z450 is fitted with a Showa BFRC shock absorber. The BFRC uses a separate, external damping circuit that improves the responsiveness of damping force to deliver excellent traction and better absorption over bumps. ...
Turbocharged Suzuki GSX-R1000 Drag Races A 1600HP Porsche 911 And A 1200 HP Audi R8 Suzuki Motorcycles Everything Suzuki motorcycles in one place. Latest News wBW's latest coverage. Annual Lineups Organized by model year. Model research & reviews. ...
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