Format: PDF – for all devices Add to cart Summary Excerpt Details To throw light upon some recent approaches to sustainability and sustainable development this essay compares and contrasts four documents of different authors.Evolving from its roots in the 1972 publication "Limits to Growth" by ...
Home > Section > Chapter Redclift, M. Geoforum 23(3): 395-403 1992 ISSN/ISBN:0016-7185 10.1016/0016-7185(92)90050-e 002523933 Full-Text Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract
In the 1960s, influential thinkers defined design as a rational problem-solving approach to deal with the challenges of sustainable human development. In 2009, a design consultant and a business academic selected some of these ideas and successfully branded them with the term “design thinking.” ...
Sustainability is another such trend that may be able to add further meaning to the findings of this book. Sustainability can also encompass many meanings and forms. The United Nations offers a comprehensive introduction to ideas concerning sustainability in its Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform...
It postulates that the use of a foreign language for teaching and learning in Tanzanian secondary schools hinders the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study’s findings, drawn from exploratory and qualitative narrative research, indicate that, notwithstanding...
The intent is to give students of sustainable development some well-established resources and tools. By 2008, the concept of "Green" had been so much in marketing and product services that it lost its meaning. The "branding" of green meant a whole new industrial sector suddenly emerged ...
Since a higher value of an indicator did not necessarily mean a positive impact on sustainable development, we made a specific judgment based on the meaning of each indicator. For example, for the malnutrition rate of children under the age of 5 (SDG 2, Indicator 2.2.2), the lower value ...
The United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer an extensive framework for coordinating and shaping government policies, and for engaging the public with sustainability. Public understanding of the SDGs and sustainability can influence this engagement, as people are more likely to acc...
This bibliometric study analyzes 1433 former reviews on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Sustainability, providing a comprehensive overview of the
In many countries, ALE policy is limited to skills development strategies (DoHET 2015; Elfert and Rubenson 2013). Although lifelong learning remains ubiquitous in policy discourse, in particular in the Western world, its meaning has been adapted to the dominant neoliberal ideology. In most ...