The definition of sustainability is not nearly as simple as it might seem, likewise with the definition of sustainable development. This is best illustrated by the fact that thereare over 200 different definitions to answer what is sustainable development. ...
Sustainable Development: Definition, Obstacles & Impact from Chapter 15/ Lesson 4 44K Sustainable development is the use of natural materials in a way that can help prolong the Earth's ability to support its population. Learn the definition of sustainable development, the obstacles ...
Despite its acclaimed vagueness and ambiguity, the WCED definition of sustainable development has been highly instrumental in developing a “global view” with respect to our planet’s future. Since then, thousands of initiatives have been taken at local, national, and global levels in an attempt ...
Sustainable meaning: ubiquitous term eludes simple definition.Lewis, David
Here, repeated, is the much-quoted definition of sustainable development by the Brundtland Commission: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. (The Brundtland Report of the World Council...
However, the definition, validity and operability of the term have been in controversy all the time. As far as the definition is concerned, sustainable tourism is criticized for being narrow and sectoral9,10,11,19. Sustainable tourism may share some concerns with sustainable development. However,...
(redirected fromSustainable Development Strategy) AcronymDefinition SDSStudents for a Democratic Society(radical political organization of the 1960s) SDSSafety Data Sheet SDSSodium Dodecyl Sulfate(also seen as NaDodSO4; anionic detergent) SDSSoftware Defined Storage(computing) ...
Sustainable development is a development that can meet the current needs of people without compromising the ability of the next generation to meet their needs. In this definition the right of each generation to have the same amount of natural capital as other generations is recognized, and the us...
this work provides a new approach to introduce students to the project evaluation criteria, with special emphasis on the social impacts, environmental and economic development in the same local, regional or national level through the definition and identification of sustainability indicators evaluated using...
Sustainable urban development What is a sustainable city? Girardet (1999, p 13) offers this definition of a sustainable city, one that is “organized so as to enable all its citizens to meet their own needs and to enhance their well-being without damaging the natural world or endangering th...