Coffee beveragesare a commonly overlooked food that can contain high amounts of gluten. While coffee beans don't contain gluten, you may be surprised to find out that certain instant coffee brands may use gluten as a bulking agent. Advertisement What's more, many flavored and blended coffee d...
However, nutrition experts say these health benefits could result from the foods people may be eating in place of those with gluten, such as more fruits and vegetables, and fewer sweets and junk food, as opposed to the benefits stemming directly from avoiding gluten. Nutrition experts also say...
The culprits aren't always easy to identify, so you need to do a little sleuthing. See if these 10 items might be part of what's going on with yourweight. 1. Reduced-fat peanut butter "When food companies take out one ingredient, they usually have to make up for the lost flavor ...
My Family’s Experience with Activated Charcoal for Food Allergies My own son has hadfood allergiessince he was an infant, mainly to gluten, dairy, eggs, and some nuts. Before we figured out that he had allergies, we spent months watching him squirm, cry, and scrunch up his legs in obvi...
Lea Basch, M.S., RD, is the registered dietitian for The Tasteful Pantry. Lea has been in the nutrition industry for more than 30 years. She is a diabetes educator and focuses now on gluten-free diets and food intolerances. More Articles ...
I'm always a little suspicious of anything that gets touted as a 'super food'. So it took me a while to try quinoa.
You could be gassy if you're eating foods that your body doesn't absorb well. Sometimes this is called a food intolerance. Common ones include dairy products or proteins like gluten in wheat or other grains. If you think your gas is related to high-fiber foods or a food intolerance, kee...
According toresearch, one of the benefits of breastfeeding is that it reduces the risk offood allergies in babies. Because of these studies, many allergists now recommend that mothers should eateggs,peanuts, gluten,dairy, and other highly allergenic foods while pregnancy and breastfeeding. ...
Like an overzealous police force with nothing better to do, they also attack a common cellular organ, mitochondria, whenever it is spilled from cells by injury. Mitochondria are actually honoured symbiotic guests that convert our food to energy for us. Normally we live out our lives in perfect...
Two types of inorganic arsenic of greatest concern in food and water are arsenateand arsenite. Of the two, arsenite is the most toxic. It reacts with multiple proteins and enzymes in our bodies and takes longer for our kidneys to process and eliminate5. ...