【转自reddit】..续航时间一直是surface pro 4最大的问题之一,有关这个问题不仅在百度贴吧有大量讨论,在老外的贴吧reddit也同样百家争鸣。LZ每天刷reddit的surface版快刷出强迫症了,当然也就有
另外,我觉得go不是廉价版,因为它的处理器性能实打实的是pro5 m3巅峰的80%(go不会降频——微软自己说的:www dot reddit dot com 、 r/Surface/comments/8xs117/pentium_4415y_is_more_corem3_than_atom/)而且go由于分辨率更低所以性能只会更好。我觉得go是一个合理的小型化版本,12寸太大了,根本不是平板...
tracking_source=search_projects|FutureDeluxe&l=2 简介:与Microsoft Design的朋友密切合作,Future Deluxe精心打造新款 Surface Pro 的发布影片。 我们的目标是无缝地捕捉设备的本质和体验,真人与CG的融合,超现实的环境和空灵的运动。 - 知识 设计·创意 C4D 渲染 动画 3D #一起看设计 动态设计 houdini Cinema 4D ...
最初几代Surface发布时,微软就犯了这个错误,然后被大量评测带节奏拿去跟iPad比。到Pro 3时,微软吸取...
这个数据来自 Reddit 上微软一位Surface 团队成员的解答,当被问到Windows RT 将占据多少空间时,微软Surface 的测试经理 Ricardo Lopez 这样说道:“安装完 Windows RT系统、Office RT以及一些App后,平板将还有20G的剩余空间。” 从存储容量来看,微软的低配置Surface RT平板要比苹果的iPad 或者其它平板都要好,因为在...
The launch of the iPad Pro signals a major shift in the tablet market, two new forecasts predict, calling for cheaper vendors selling smaller tablets to be affected by consumer demand for newer, larger, and more powerful hardware. "Detachable" tablets with...
But author Lance Whitney also noted that Bathiche seemed to "struggle" for an answer when one Reddit user asked why Microsoft decided to offer a higher resolution display with the forthcoming Intel-based Windows Pro Surface. Bathiche said the extra screen real estate with the Surface Pro migh...
美东时间3月21日周四,微软推出两款PC Surface Pro 10商用版和Surface Laptop 6商用版,4月9日开始发货。它们被微软称为“第一批专为企业打造的 Surface AI PC”。 作为面向企业的电脑,微软不会直接向个人消费者出售Surface Pro 10和Surface Laptop 6,也就是说,在Target或者Best Buy这类零售商渠道买不到这两款...
He has been using Surface devices since the first release of the original Surface Pro and currently uses a Surface Laptop Studio as his full-time daily driver machine. Additionally, he owns multiple Surface devices, including Surface RT, Surface 3, Surface Go 1-2, Surface Pro 3, Surface ...