从存储容量来看,微软的低配置Surface RT平板要比苹果的iPad 或者其它平板都要好,因为在同样的价位其存储空间增加了1倍(32GB vs.16GB)。 不过微软将 Surface RT 平板的最低存储配置定在32GB 似乎是有原因的,因为其操作系统 Windows RT 将占据12G的存储空间。这个数据来自 Reddit 上微软一位Surface 团队成员的解答,...
【转自reddit】..续航时间一直是surface pro 4最大的问题之一,有关这个问题不仅在百度贴吧有大量讨论,在老外的贴吧reddit也同样百家争鸣。LZ每天刷reddit的surface版快刷出强迫症了,当然也就有
低配版的硬盘远远差于低配版,不只是容量的差距。由于这个性能差距,它会造成你用手写笔写字都没有高配版爽快。另外,我觉得go不是廉价版,因为它的处理器性能实打实的是pro5 m3巅峰的80%(go不会降频——微软自己说的:www dot reddit dot com 、 r/Surface/comments/8xs117/pentium_4415y_is_more_corem3_than...
其实用户只要修改memory barrier执行严格度就能正常运行。而这些知识居然还是用户自己找到,然后发表在reddit...
ChatGPT’s new Pro subscription will cost you $200 per month Yes, Reddit is down. Here’s everything you need to know MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro: how to easily decide which to buy Intel Battlemage GPU: everything you need to know...
Take a look at these screenshots of pages during the Steve Jobs era vs the Tim Cook era. Tim Cook claims to use an iPad but I have my doubts… Steve Jobs believed in simplicity but not in removing every single button and sticking them behind menus. In some apps we still ...
January 5, telling customers to "stay tuned" and "save the date" in social media posts. Apple's images have a tagline that says "See for yourself," but it isn't clear what Apple has planned. Some users on Reddit have speculated that Apple might be planning to launch a promotion that...
另外,我觉得go不是廉价版,因为它的处理器性能实打实的是pro5 m3巅峰的80%(go不会降频——微软自己说的:www dot reddit dot com 、 r/Surface/comments/8xs117/pentium_4415y_is_more_corem3_than_atom/)而且go由于分辨率更低所以性能只会更好。我觉得go是一个合理的小型化版本,12寸太大了,根本不是平板...