In this tutorial we will create a surface from selected curves. The curves can be contours or other types. Step 1 : Start Rhino. Step 2: Select Import… from the File menu. The import file dialog box is displayed. Browse for the file curves.igs (typically located in C:\Program Files\...
Rhino RealFlow Vray FumeFX 其他软件教程 032 Shaping a seat surface / 3DS MAX可视化设计教程 - 3ds Max for Design Visualization -Lynd-3dmax Lynda - 3ds Max for Design Visualization 001 Welcome 002 Using the exercise files 003 Touring the user interface and selecting workspaces 004 Setting...
The result is so important for me that I am definitely going to buy one of the paid for versions from the guys. I need to read up on the menu of additional tools to try and judge what would be useful and what would not. Rhino looks very good too but having invested in SW...