Define cavosurface angle. cavosurface angle synonyms, cavosurface angle pronunciation, cavosurface angle translation, English dictionary definition of cavosurface angle. a geometric figure; an angular projection; a projecting corner: the angles of a buil
2.1.7Surface azimuth and slope angles Thesurface azimuth angleγis the deviation of the projection on a horizontal plane of the normal to the surface from the local meridian. The slope,β, referred also to the surface inclination, is the angle between the plane of the surface in question and...
英语翻译Azimuth(方位角) is the horizontal angle measured in a clockwise direction from the plane of the meridian ,which is a line on the mean surface of the earth joining the north and south poles.The bearing(方位) ,which can be measured clockwise or cou
英语翻译Azimuth(方位角) is the horizontal angle measured in a clockwise direction from the plane of the meridian ,which is a line on the mean surface of the earth joining the north and south poles.The bearing(方位) ,which can be measured clo
” According to this law, the azimuth angle “is the reciprocal of the distance (D)” to a stretch of ground at a distance. However, in addition, the elevation-extent angle of the stretch of ground “is proportional to 1/D2.” To study the law for azimuths and its ally elevation, ...
Thus, the relative azimuth angle used by Rahman et al. [61] differs by π from our definition. The function H(G) describes the so-called hot spot effect seen in the measured data as a strong increase in the surface reflectance at ϑv=ϑs and φr=π (see e.g. [185]). Eqs....
The wave propagation time can be obtained as the peak time of the interpolated deconvolved waveforms near the reference traveltime based on the velocity profile. Thereafter, the near-surface seismic velocity was expressed as a function of azimuth angle by dividing the borehole depth by the wave ...
The best diffraction efficiency of the [1, 0] order can be obtained when the incident light is incident with not only an incident angle but also an azimuth angle. The geometric parameters of the pillars are investigated and optimized with the diffraction efficiency by the finite element method,...
The spherical coordinates are expressed as (Φ, θ) (in degrees), where 0 ≤ Φ≤ 180 is the elevation angle (angle between the polar axis and the z axis), and –180 ≤ θ≤ 180 is the azimuth angle. It is worthwhile to note that the set of nine lighting directions chosen by the...
azimuth, three additional streaks were found, equally spaced between two adjacent bulk-like streaks. This means that the reciprocal 2D lattice for (2×4) is half as long in the [11¯0] direction, and 1/4 as long in the [110] direction, as compared to the ideal (bulk-like) (1×1...