Supine Roll Test试验是( )的首选检查方法A.垂直半规管BPPVB.上半规管BPPVC.外半规管BPPVD.多半规管BPPVE.后半规管BPPV
Supine Roll Test水平半规管向地型BPPV的侧别确定,正确的是( )A.眼震背向受累侧耳B.眼震强烈侧为受累耳C.眼震通常朝向受累侧耳D.低头位眼震朝向受累
supine roll testObjective The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of the supine roll test(SRT)and alternative positional tests(APTs)including the bow and lean test(BLT),pseudo-spontaneous nystagmus(PSN),and lying down nystagmus(LDN)to identify the affected side in horizontal canal...
This video illustrates bedside technique for the supine roll test (also known as the Pagnini-McClure maneuver) for horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).This maneuver is specific for horizontal canal BPPV in the same way that the Dix-Hallpike maneuver is specific for posterior...
Supine Roll Test试验是( )的首选检查方法A.垂直半规管BPPVB.上半规管BPPVC.外半规管BPPVD.多半规管BPPVE.后半规管BPPV的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高
目的 探讨摇头后Supine roll试验对水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(HC-BPPV)的诊断价值.方法 对可疑良性阵发性位置性眩晕的165例患者,行摇头后Supine roll试验,确诊为HC-BPPV者,进行Bar-becue手法复位和/或Gufoni手法复位,观察疗效,分析该方法用于HC-BPPV诊断是否正确.结果 165例眩晕患者中,经摇头后Supine r...
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficiency of the supine roll test (SRT) and alternative positional tests (APTs) including the bow and lean test (BLT), pseudo-spontaneous nystagmus (PSN), and lying down nystagmus (LDN) to identify the affected side in horizontal canal benign pa...
Supine Roll Test水平半规管向地型BPPV的侧别确定,正确的是( )A.眼震背向受累侧耳B.眼震强烈侧为受累耳C.眼震通常朝向受累侧耳D.低头位眼震朝向受累侧耳E.抬头位眼震背向受累侧耳的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答
One hundred supine pressor (roll-over) tests were reviewed and results were compared with clinical outcome and the literature. The present study revealed statistical differences, except for test sensitivity, in a comparison of all pregnancies without a prior history of hypertension, with subgroupings...
2017美国BPPV诊疗指南对BPPV的诊断强烈推荐( )A.影像检查B.Supine Roll test 对于外半规管BPPV的诊断C.Dix-Hallpike对于的后半规管BPPV的诊断D.前庭功能检查E.与其他眩晕疾病的鉴别搜索 题目 2017美国BPPV诊疗指南对BPPV的诊断强烈推荐( ) A.影像检查B.Supine Roll test 对于外半规管BPPV的诊断C.Dix-Hallpike对于的...