(71.8%)was higher than that of the other APTs.In 6 patients with symmetrical nysgtamus during the roll test,5 patients showed a positive response in both LDN and BLT(83.34%),whereas 4 patients showed a positive response in PSN(66.67%).Conclusion All positional tests are helpful for ...
Supine Roll Test试验是( )的首选检查方法A.垂直半规管BPPVB.上半规管BPPVC.外半规管BPPVD.多半规管BPPVE.后半规管BPPV
Supine Roll Test水平半规管向地型BPPV的侧别确定,正确的是( )A.眼震背向受累侧耳B.眼震强烈侧为受累耳C.眼震通常朝向受累侧耳D.低头位眼震朝向受累
In 6 patients with symmetrical nysgtamus during the roll test, 5 patients showed a positive response in both LDN and BLT (83.34%), whereas 4 patients showed a positive response in PSN (66.67%). Conclusion All positional tests are helpful for determining the affected side of HC-BPPV, but ...
This video illustrates bedside technique for the supine roll test (also known as the Pagnini-McClure maneuver) for horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).This maneuver is specific for horizontal canal BPPV in the same way that the Dix-Hallpike maneuver is specific for posterior...
A vertical strabismus that decreased by 50% or more from the upright to supine position constituted a positive test result. Results The upright-supine test result was positive in 20 of 25 patients with skew deviation (sensitivity, 80%) but negative in all patients with trochlear nerve palsy, ...
One hundred supine pressor (roll-over) tests were reviewed and results were compared with clinical outcome and the literature. The present study revealed statistical differences, except for test sensitivity, in a comparison of all pregnancies without a prior history of hypertension, with subgroupings...
Supine Roll Test试验是( )的首选检查方法A.垂直半规管BPPVB.上半规管BPPVC.外半规管BPPVD.多半规管BPPVE.后半规管BPPV的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高
2017美国BPPV诊疗指南对BPPV的诊断强烈推荐( )A.影像检查B.Supine Roll test 对于外半规管BPPV的诊断C.Dix-Hallpike对于的后半规管BPPV的诊断D.前庭功能检查E.与其他眩晕疾病的鉴别搜索 题目 2017美国BPPV诊疗指南对BPPV的诊断强烈推荐( ) A.影像检查B.Supine Roll test 对于外半规管BPPV的诊断C.Dix-Hallpike对于的...
2017美国BPPV诊疗指南对BPPV的诊断强烈推荐( )A.影像检查B.Supine Roll test 对于外半规管BPPV的诊断C.Dix-Hallpike对于的后