The power to manipulate matter. Sub-power of Physics, Vibration and Chemistry Manipulation. Technique of Energy Manipulation. Opposite to Antimatter and Immaterial Manipulation. Material Manipulation Matter Control Materiokinesis The user can manipulate,
energy on its own cant do anything, so when you have an energy manipulatuion power you are manipulating any form of matter via the energy as long as your type of energy is there up or vice versa. plasma manipulation is a direct form of matter manipulation ...
Benzinikinesis Gas Bending/Control Gasakinesis Miasmakinesis Gaseous Matter ManipulationCapabilitiesThe user can create, shape and manipulate anything that is gaseous, a phase of matter characterized by relatively low density, high fluidity with no definite shape, and lack of rigidity. Gas is very ...
The power to manipulate bullets. Variation of Ammunition Manipulation, Artillery Manipulation, Ranged Weapon Manipulation, Targeting, and Homing Effect. Ballistokinesis Bullet Control Lead Ball/Buck/Ball Control/Manipulation Sfaírakinesis Shot/Slug Cont
3 year bump. If I had to pick mine would be Elixirs biological manipulation. 6 years ago DividedAsOne Follow 13 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews: 0 User Lists: 0 #230 DividedAsOne Omnipotentce, It's the only power you'll ever need 4 years agoComic...
SuperpowersMagicDarkness ManipulationList of Kinetic AbilitiesOccultismPersonal DomainArchetype:Alpha SuperHuman Physiology/Transcendent 6 13 Mortal Reminder616·7/29/2022in General New Frontier Power Systems Here's my universe official guide to power systems:
Superpower Wiki 27,004 pages Explore Powers Info Contribute Blogs More in: Manipulations, Organic Matter Based Powers Organic Manipulation Category pageSign in to edit Abilities and powers related to manipulating and controlling living matter in general, including living things and their associated ...
The power to manipulate biological relatedness of people. Sub-power of Bond Manipulation and Family Manipulation. Family Tree Alteration/Manipulation Lineage Alteration/Manipulation Relatedness Alteration/Manipulation User can manipulate the relatedness
The power to influence and control all forms of fish. Variation of Animal Manipulation and Aquatic Life Manipulation. Fish Control/Manipulation Ichthyes Control/Manipulation Ichthyoeidéskinesis Psárikinesis The user of this ability can influence and co
Matter Manipulation: In addition to his mastery over energy, Hekon exercises control over matter at a quantum level, transmuting substances at will, creating objects ex nihilo, and reducing targets to nonexistence. Shapeshifting: The malleability of Hekon's form allows him to reshape his body at...