The power to control and transform the fundamental force that causes change and does work in various forms. Sub-power of Physics Manipulation. Opposite of Anti-Energy Manipulation and Absent Energy Manipulation. Not to be confused with Force Manipulation
The power to manipulate electricity. Sub-power of Charged Particles Manipulation and Electromagnetism Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Manipulation and Energy Manipulation. Not to be confused with Lightning Manipulation. Electric Charge Control/Manip
The power to manipulate ions. Sub-power of Charged Particles Manipulation. Variation of Atomic Manipulation and Energy Manipulation. Ionickinesis Ion Energy Control/Manipulation Ion Control/Manipulation User can create, shape and manipulate Ions, atoms i
The power to manipulate bullets. Variation of Ammunition Manipulation, Artillery Manipulation, Ranged Weapon Manipulation, Targeting, and Homing Effect. Ballistokinesis Bullet Control Lead Ball/Buck/Ball Control/Manipulation Sfaírakinesis Shot/Slug Cont
If we have to pick from the ones on the list time manipulation. If we can just pick any then i pick shapeshifting or kinetic energy manipulation 9 years ago SmoothSanta Follow 3857 Forum Posts 0 Wiki Points 0 Followers Reviews: 0 User Lists: 0 #229 SmoothSanta 3 year bump. ...
Healing Energy Manipulation: To manipulate healing energy. Healing Energy Attacks: To heal via the protection of healing energy. Healing Field Projection: To project a field that heals anything in it. Healing Flesh: To heal when eaten. Healing Link: To heal by creating a link. Healing Luck:...
energy on its own cant do anything, so when you have an energy manipulatuion power you are manipulating any form of matter via the energy as long as your type of energy is there up or vice versa. plasma manipulation is a direct form of matter manipulation ...
The power to manipulate biological relatedness of people. Sub-power of Bond Manipulation and Family Manipulation. Family Tree Alteration/Manipulation Lineage Alteration/Manipulation Relatedness Alteration/Manipulation User can manipulate the relatedness
(Edited by WikiaBot)Recent Images Transformation Energy Manipulation 2 hours ago Elemental Ranged Weaponry 3 hours ago Improbable Weapon Proficiency 3 hours agoExplore properties Fandom Muthead Fanatical Follow Us Overview What is Fandom? About Careers Press Contact Terms of Use Privacy Polic...
Size Manipulation Organic Manipulation Animation All items (1891) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Category:Animal-Based Abilities Category:Bodily Functional Powers Category:Cellular Manipulation Category:Cloning Category:Organic Matter Based ...