上腔静脉综合征(superior vena cava syndrome,SVCS)是因上腔静脉阻塞引起的一组症状,具有典型的临床表现,属肿瘤急症或亚急症范畴,往往需及时处理。P84胸部肿瘤研究 Thoracic Oncology in Practice 上腔静脉阻塞的原因是:血栓形成、纤维化、外来压迫、肿瘤侵犯。过去50%系良性病变所致,如梅毒性主动脉瘤、淋巴结结核、胸...
The superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) comprises various symptoms due to occlusion of the SVC, which can be easily obstructed by pathological conditions (eg, lung cancer, due to the low internal venous pressure within rigid structures of the thorax [trachea, right bronchus, aorta]). The ...
1.发生机制:上腔静脉综合征(superior vena cava syndrome,SVCS)是因流经上腔静脉(SVC)的血流受阻而致的临床表现。当其薄壁血管受到上纵隔内占位病变的压迫、侵袭、或血栓形成时,就可迅速或逐渐出现特征性的症状与体征。 SVC是头颈部、上肢以及上胸部静脉血的主要引流血管。它位于中纵隔,并为一些相对刚硬的结构如...
上腔静脉综合征( superior vena cava syndrome,SVCS)指上腔静脉回到右心房的血流完全性或不完全性受阻所致的临床综合征,属于急症。根据阻塞部位分为3种类型:奇静脉入口以上部位阻塞、奇静脉和上腔静脉均阻塞、奇静脉入口以下阻塞。 病因及发病机制 SVCS病因复杂。①肿瘤性因素:肿瘤已成为SVCS发病的主要因素(占80%以上...
Superiorvenacavasyndromeiscausedbyobstructionof thesuperiorvenacavaduetoavariety ofmalignantandbenignentities. 上腔静脉症候群是由于上腔静脉阻塞或狭窄所引起,其肇因有恶性肿瘤或良性病灶。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Objective:ToinvestigateCTappearancesanditsvalueofsecondarylesions of SVCS(superiorvenacavasyndrome)from...
Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome (SVCS) is a constellation of symptoms that result from obstruction of the SVC (see the images from a single case, below). The superior vena cava (SVC) is formed in the upper middle part of the mediastinum by the junction of the brachiocephalic veins. It...
In November, Finck faced another life-threatening complication: superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS), a condition where the vein that carries blood to the heart becomes obstructed, often by tumors. Gord Magill, Newsweek, 21 Dec. 2024 The vena cava is the largest vein in the body, carrying deox...
Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) often relates to malignant causes such as lung tumors, metastatic cancer, or lymphomas. While the diagnosis relies nowadays on the use of contrast〆nhanced thoracic computed tomography, ultrasonography may have an important value as a first﹍ine imaging technique,...
Zimmerman S, Davis M. Rapid Fire: Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. Emergency medicine clinics of North America. 2018 Aug:36(3):577-584. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2018.04.011. Epub 2018 Jun 12[PubMed PMID: 30037444] [3] Carmo J, Santos A. Chronic Occlusion of the Superior Vena Cava. The New...
1) Superior vena cava syndrome 上腔静脉压迫综合征 1. Superior vena cava syndrome(SVCS) is caused by malignant tumour, often showing tumour crisis. 上腔静脉压迫综合征是肿瘤患者常见的并发症之一,预后极差多呈急性或亚急性肿瘤危象,若得不到及时有效的治疗,则会迅速危及生命。