superior vena cava syndromeSuperior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is the clinical expression of the obstruction of venous blood flow through the superior vena cava [1]. This syndrome was first described in 1757 by Hunter in a patient with a syphilitic aortic aneurysm [2]. In a 1949 review of ...
Superior vena caval obstruction with lung cancer[J]. Ann Thorac Surg, 1968, 6(5): 437-442. 5. Perez-Soler R, McLaughlin P, Velasquez WS, et al. Clinical features and results of management of superior vena cava syndrome secondary to lymphoma[J]. J Clin Oncol, 1984, 2(4): 260-266...
Chylothorax caused by superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication requiring a multidisciplinary diagnosis and management approach. We present a case of a 27-year-old female with end-stage renal disease who developed chylothorax secondary to SVC syndrome ca...
Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is a common complication of malignancy. The epidemiology, presentation, and diagnostic evaluation of patients presenting with the syndrome are reviewed. Management options including chemotherapy and radiation therapy (RT) and the role of endovascular stents are discussed...
It is uncommon for thyroid cancer to present with superior vena cava syndrome. Obstruction of superior vena cava can develop as a result of intrinsic and extrinsic spread of the thyroid cancer. The usual presentation of this disease entity is a neck mass with symptoms and signs suggestive of su...
Bernardes Correia J, Teixeira Verissimo M, Carvalho A. Superior vena cava syndrome: an uncommon presentation of a rare colon carcinoma metastasis. EJCRIM 2019;6: doi:10.12890/2019_001115.Conf l icts of Interests: The Authors declare that there are no competing interests.This article is licensed...
Superior vena caval syndrome presenting as periorbital edema Jason R. Dyken, MD, Joseph P. Pagano, MD, and Vera Y. Soong, MD Fairfield, Alabama The superior vena caval syndrome describes a constellation of physical findings resulting from ob- struction of the superior vena cava and subsequent...
Objective To evaluate the use of percutaneous endovascular stent insertion in the management of superior vena cava syndrome. Methods Fifteen patients with superior vena cava syndrome were treated with "Z"shape steel stents, male 12, female 3, age 54-72 years, average 63 years. In this group, ...
Lung cancer is the most frequent cause of superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Malignant SVC syndrome is generally considered a contraindication to curative resection, although palliative bypasses are done for symptoms that do not respond to medical therapy. However, a majority of patients with such ...
Superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome (SVCS) is a constellation of symptoms that result from obstruction of the SVC (see the images from a single case, below). The superior vena cava (SVC) is formed in the upper middle part of the mediastinum by the junction of the brachiocephalic veins. It...