Green development efficiency of cold chain logistics based on the super-SBM-GML index modeldoi:10.14067/j.cnki.1673-923x.2024.04.020super-SBMunexpected outputglobal Malmquist-lunberger indexgreen development efficiencyBy incorporating environmental regulation into the analytical framework of cold chain ...
Super-SBMGML indexAt present, China is transforming into a green development mode in all respects, and improving green energy efficiency is a key component of this transformation. Using panel data of 2011e2018, this research adopts the Super-SBM (Slack-Based Model) to calculate the green ...
Study on the Carbon Emission Efficiency of Pearl River Delta Ports Based on the Super-SBM-GML Index Modeldoi:10.1007/978-981-97-7004-5_19Peak Carbon and Carbon Emission Reduction has been a hot issue in the shipping industry for a long time, but it still faces serious challenges. One of...