Discover Super Kids Books, where creativity meets imagination! We publish captivating children's books, empower young authors, and inspire families with stories that ignite learning and joy. Join us to bring magical stories to life!
I hope they can become your friends — and your students’ friends, too. Learning and practicing English with theSuperKidsis fun and exciting. Whenever I open the book to a new unit, I’m still delighted to see what they are ...
英国原版培训教材-朗文(super kids2)英语.doc,设计者:王美凤 班级:12级601英语班 学号:10座机电话号码9 科目 英语 教学对象 三年级 课时 2课时 一、教材内容分析 1.选自朗文公司最新英国原版培训教材-朗文(super kids2)英语,内容为教材第一课 2.学习内容:a、复习八
Superkids Book 1-6 Vocabulary Cardinal Numbers: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred two hundred two hundred and forty five one thousand one...
文档标签: SUPER KIDS ENGLISH 第一册复习 系统标签: kids super 文库 复习 english dialogue I.Review(Unit1-6) 1.Wordlist •abookacrayonapencilapencilcase apencilsharpeneraruleranotebookaboard aneraserabookbag •01234567891011121314151617181920 •zeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneight nineteneleventwelve...
朗文super kids第三版1-6级教材PDF+Activity book+音频 朗文super kids第三版1-6级教材PDF+Activity book+音频…
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Superkids: Student Book 1Part of a four-level series written especially for elementary-level children. The book focuses on presenting and learning language through functional dialogues, TPR activities and storylines. It develops key vocabulary, grammar skills in context and writing skills.Greg Cossu...
superkids-少儿英语教材介绍.ppt 教材介绍 New Super Kids是朗文公司专为亚洲7-14岁儿童编写的原版进口教材 。 教材共分六级,以六个主人公天真活泼的性格特征和发生在他们身边的故事为主线,以语言的重要展示及灵活的使用为教学方式,使孩子真正理解英语并将之运用到日常生活中去。 教材特色 特色1: 以故事为线索,使...
Superkids Book 1-6 Vocabulary Cardinal Numbers: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty se浦碎孵谭气耿恳徐羌粪帕棕狞啡必值绕炳模萧卡宜朗份碑另革苟迁旱袒俘郑俐庙徽慕凰糜...