By being in the moment, preparing ourselves.” On the Notre Dame side of the field (which is the opposite side than when ND defeated Georgia Tach back on October 19), there are no secrets to be shared from head coachMarcus Freeman. “Yeah, I think more than anything, each team has a...
Split jerks – 5×3 Increasing weight throughout and building up to a heavy set of 3 for the day Metcon Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds: 500/400m row Max shoulder to overhead X lbs in the remaining time of the interval — rest 1 minute between rounds Weights: Round 1: 185/135 lbs R...
October, 24th & 25th From 8:30 A. M.—4: 00 P.M. We have scheduled a Community Wide Yard Sale. If you would like to participate (参加), please place your table in front of your Home/Unit/Building. You must provide your own table or set-up equipment. Homeowners may begin...
8 a.m — noon, Sunday October 24th, 2021 Pet-finder Center, 132 Park Road Why not come along and meet some of our cats in need of a home? Welcome everyone who has a pet cat or wants a pet cat or just loves cats! All the cats in our center are given up by their owners. Th...